What did you do in the garden today?

Good morning gardeners. I was happy to see roots on the lilac cuttings, and possibly the olive cuttings also, but they’re tiny yet. I also cut back all the pothos and moved them to vases of water for now, and they have roots also. Just maintaining what I’ve got going right now otherwise, nothing new. Don’t have time to catch up atm but will be back in October. Take care and enjoy your gardens all :frow
Good morning, today is luffa harvest day lol. Silly gourds they are. I think I've got 20 so that should do pretty good till next time I can grow them. It may still grow a few more as it's still warm enough. Grabbed a whole bunch more peppers and recieved my elderberry in the mail (4 of them). The girls are loving getting the bug in the garden in the afternoon times. Seems about 2 maybe 3 more weeks and it will be honey harvest time! Which means we can finally move one hive into the hive yard. It swarmed out to a tree and was a bit fickle about being moved. It's easier to close them up during the autumn. The orchard nearby has peaches(still!) the size of my little dude's head! So I think I'm going to grab some of those and make a tart for dessert tonight. Have a great weekend.

Even Disney is now putting disclaimers on their legacy animation.
I saw that and thought it was truly silly. Putting disclaimers on the past isn't a great idea...it happened acknowledge and move forward.
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Thundering/Lightning and raining all around us for hours, but not here.
Will walk the garden and grab any reds that have finished over the last couple of days and process those with what is in the kitchen and let simmer while I go to the charity shop in the next village. (DH will be home)
I have plans to remove the top of the hoop house and replace it with windows and lumber. The plastic is degrading quickly and raining down all over the place, which is not at all what I want, so probably sooner than later.
Will put the finished tomato plants out of their misery and trim to the ground.
Wisteria is going too. It's taking over the world.
Before you know it, you'll have built a greenhouse instead of a hoop house... 😉

I can relate though... I built a hoop house and covered it with netting to keep bugs out. Squash bugs, aphids, and white flies can still get inside. The only thing it has been effective against is SVB and moths/worms. Still useful but not what I was going for...
Good morning, today is luffa harvest day lol. Silly gourds they are. I think I've got 20 so that should do pretty good till next time I can grow them. It may still grow a few more as it's still warm enough. Grabbed a whole bunch more peppers and recieved my elderberry in the mail (4 of them). The girls are loving getting the bug in the garden in the afternoon times. Seems about 2 maybe 3 more weeks and it will be honey harvest time! Which means we can finally move one hive into the hive yard. It swarmed out to a tree and was a bit fickle about being moved. It's easier to close them up during the autumn. The orchard nearby has peaches(still!) the size of my little dude's head! So I think I'm going to grab some of those and make a tart for dessert tonight. Have a great weekend.

I saw that and thought it was truly silly. Putting disclaimers on the past isn't a great idea...it happened acknowledge and move forward.
I have somewhere around a dozen large loofah. I mean they are easily 6 - 8" in diameter around and 12 - 15" long. I still have a ton of flowers popping up too with another 50 days or so before we typically get a freeze.

I'm letting them turn brown on the vine before harvesting.
Duckling integration is going well. Today is the first day I will have let them be integrated all day without supervision. Except for some minor chasing away from the water bowl, they seem to be ambivalent towards each other. There are 4 water bowls in different areas of the pen and a baby pool so I'm not concerned about the minor chasing. Fingers crossed that all goes well today. If they get along today and tomorrow, I might try to pen them up together at night. That makes me more nervous because the ducklings won't have room to get away. I actually need a bigger duck coop. Errr... Maybe I shouldn't pen them together overnight but I will need to figure something out.
It was on the news, and you can look it up. It’s apparently all of the U.S.
It's optional right now. They aren't forcing anyone to do this.... But when has the government collecting information on you EVER been to your benefit? Personally the USDA should not be spending my tax dollars to track my and other people's gardens.

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