What did you do in the garden today?

I got 12 more apples from my Red Delicious tree. All on one section, so I’m blaming deer for the missing fruit, and see about a dozen on Jonathan. He’s about 15’ tall, and probably getting cut down to 8’. It won’t help with the bugs ruining the fruit, but it should give me more fruit, it will be easier to pick, and easier to spray when I do remember.
Morning. Nice & chilly here. Had to cull a bird today, poor thing went south so fast. Def getting chicks in the spring.

My peach tree shipped. :yesss:

I need to start cleaning up some beds & getting a layer of compost on them. I pulled a couple sungold & squash plants yesterday.

I had a pup that had bad allergies in the fall. She would scratch herself bloody. The steroid shot worked super good for her & lasted but they didn't like to give it because it's hard on their system. Benadryl didn't help. I tried switching food & laundry detergent & everything else google & the vet said - but I believe it was a seasonal type thing. It was hard to watch her be so itchy, she was such a good girl.
How soon would that be?
Some people cull them right when they start to crow, others wait 12 to 14 weeks, or a bit longer to put a bit more meat on them. I would think TBH if you got them within the first 6 to 8 months, you should have plenty of meat on them and it should be pretty tender too. Each breed will be a bit different.

I’ve had a dog allergic to beef, and one allergic to beef and chicken. The sport dogs have allergies to vegetation on the properties. I also had a dog allergic to being normal. He meowed, and hopped like a grasshopper.
Benadryl helped with seasonal allergies for a while, but eventually a steroid shot was necessary. There was no help for the cat grasshopper. Too many diesel fumes I guess.
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We give people Benedryl to our horses for seasonal allergies and when they accidentally lay down in fire ants.
I can't even imagine that. I had my entire foot covered in them when I moved a piece of wood that had a nest that I didn't notice until my foot started burning. Ended up with over 40 bite blisters. A big ole horse laying down in it getting hundreds of bites? Oh poor thing.

another thing that helps with some of the first on pain and prevent infection, I took a wash cloth and washed my foot real good in rubbing alcohol, just the 50 percent ish stuff works fine, store bought. for you id grab a rag soak it and give the horse a good rub down with it, back and forth to get the skin / hair dampened Even if you lay it over it's back and let it soak a minute or two. Obviously that depends on your horses disposition among other things but it would stop the sting then and greatly reduces chances of infection. Just dont let them lick for a few minutes until it's dry.

IPA would work, or would regular ethanol if you can get it pre tax so you are not paying a ton of money in 'drinking taxes' for something that is NOT getting drank. Otherwise cut a bottle of everclear with half or so water and it should be good.

Just some thoughts.

How soon would that be?
Let me also add. Chicken is NOT chicken ! Each breed has it's own unique flavor and the differences between breeds can be profound ! If you are not squeamish about hacking them yourself and / or thinking of getting into the meat aspect of chickens, you might want to look into the different breeds, see what they have to offer, taste each one and see how you like it. Id say do about 6 birds of each breed to try them different ways. THis one does better in soups, it's a bit greasier so 'blends in' better with the flavors. This one fries up real nice in the deep fryer, that one is heaven on the smoker / grill... type thing.

Think of it this way, if you get 'mixed lots' the girls you keep for eggs, the boys for a chicken sammich ! If you don't like the girls for some reason, she's a bully, a problem child, eggs too small etc, you can always eat the girls too. also IF you really WERE to get into this, when you do get new chicks from the breeder, they are cheaper if you DO take mixed lots of sexes, so you save a bit of money there too. This could save you and actually earn you some money if you went about this smartly.

We give people Benedryl to our horses for seasonal allergies and when they accidentally lay down in fire ants.
That sounds so awful! Thankfully we mostly don't have fire ants here. I've never experienced one.
First, I just planted some apple seeds. :yesss:
Second, no surprise, the government wants us to register our gardens. :duc
Wait, what? Register your garden? I was shocked enough when I had to file for my shipped chicks...
Wait, what? Register your garden? I was shocked enough when I had to file for my shipped chicks...
Some places aren’t allowed any garden, and I know we know some places don’t allow rain barrels. I didn’t know I needed a permit for a yard sale, and a 5-y-o must have a permit for a lemonade stand.
Give it five years, and we will have taxes on our gardens/fruit trees and regulations on the size of our harvest.

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