What did you do in the garden today?

Do the green tomatoes change the flavor?
I'm assuming so...? I haven't made any yet, but it calls for lime juice, similar to a salsa verde made with tomatillos.
I do but it's like 18x24 inches so not a ton of room to add food and water along with a hen and her chick.
I have one of those and I use it as a broody breaker. I put in chick sized waterer and feeder, and secure them in the corner with small bungee cords. I'll use it for brooding next spring, if all goes according to plan.
Dining room table is covered with ripening tomatoes, salsa canning will begin soon. Canned 6 1/2 pints of apple jelly yesterday, a mix of crab an regular apples with cherry juice for half of the water. It took so long for it to reach temperature I was afraid it'd gone bitter so I opened one jar this morning and it is heavenly. Apple and faintly floral, couldn't decern the cherry juice at all. Making pickles out of the last of the cucumbers today but I have to run to the store for more sugar first. The pickled fish fillets are delicious, I wish I could can them but from what I've read it isn't a good idea. DP got some Apoquel pills for Penny for her summer skin allergy and they seem to have worked like magic. :yesss: Poor baby was so itchy and Benadryl wasn't helping much. Now she seems normal again.
Apoquel worked for my hound in the summer for about 3 years then suddenly stopped. His allergies are horrific. He is a super large pooch though and they started at a pretty high dose.
I dug another hugel trench today. I hauled some old, rotting logs out of the woods to put in it. We certainly have plenty of those.

I think I have room for another 4 trenches at the spacing I'm using. I need to dig the rest of the potatoes, as they are where they'll go.

I sure hope this counts as the "weight bearing exercise" the doc said I should be getting. :gig
Haven’t gotten around to posting recently.

The tomato plants are going crazy! I can barely keep up with them. Also got a couple more zucchini’s from my plant. I had to pull up my sunflowers recently. We had strong winds and they all snapped. It was a bit disappointing because they had just opened. I’m going to save the seeds though.

I hope you are all doing well!
Haven’t gotten around to posting recently.

The tomato plants are going crazy! I can barely keep up with them. Also got a couple more zucchini’s from my plant. I had to pull up my sunflowers recently. We had strong winds and they all snapped. It was a bit disappointing because they had just opened. I’m going to save the seeds though.View attachment 3259135

I hope you are all doing well!
Will the seeds be good for anything though since they got grabbed so early? Can they be left to ripen or something?

My squash have their first fruit forming and it's still too hot for my spinach or radish. They're my favorite veggies so I'm antsy to plant them! Nothing to do but keep waiting though.
My cabbage are growing slow but steady and some of the seeds I just planted are sprouting already. I oops and didn't mark what I planted where..I'm used to remembering! But for some reason I'm drawing a complete blank this year...I know it's not the carrots sprouting is about all. 😂
I do it in a similar way. I dry slices on a kitchen towel. it is too hot here to put it in a pot with soil. they would sprout.
You just slice em and leave em in open to air dry in the slice?
Then what do you do with them?
I had read something bout them needing to ferment?
Anyone have any thoughts for how to over-winter these seeds (per their method) in a warm climate like ours? We don't get those cold winter temps. Our coldest month (DEC) averages high of 67 and low of 46. Could that be cool enough for
We get colder than that but we can also get hotter than that in winter here so idk what is best.
have to get my tomato and zucchini plants pulled and burned
Burned? I composted all mine ..is that not a good idea?

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