What did you do in the garden today?

Just finished planting various greens and my morning garden chores. My cucumbers have their first blossoms and my tomatoes need staked. My cabbage seeds must have been getting old...only about half sprouted. Got them at a church rummage sale and no idea how old they are or how they were stored, so I'm glad any sprouted. My perilla is huge and bushy and not even thinking of setting seeds yet, so we aren't cool enough to plant spinach and radishes yet.
My longevity spinach patch died completely and I'm trying to decide if I want to replant my cuttings there or in a shadier spot. Think I'm going to go with a shadier spot. I can't find anyway I like to eat that stuff except tossing a little bit raw into salads, but my birds and the tortoise are crazy for it so I want to keep it growing somewhere.
RAIN! It RAINED and is still piddling down slowly. Almost an inch, which is a big deal as we have only had 5 inches since the middle of June, which is 6 inches below what we need to be. Cool and cloudy today. I'll take it.

I need to do a clothing purge of things that are worn or the wrong size. Maybe I'll do that really quickly and take them to the village charity shop. Ya. that.

Did a quick tally of the tomato count board, so far, 197 pounds have been brought into the house. There are still plenty of greens out there and still a couple of weeks to go with warm enough weather to ripen them. I won't bother with trying to ripen in the house this year. It's not really worth it. They wrinkle and go weird before ripening.

I have some sweet potatoes out there to dig out, maybe tomorrow now that the soil is soft. LOL.
I’ve done a few duck additions. Oddly, the three adult drakes dropped off were the easiest. Maybe they were used to being submissive.
In the beginning, I had a Pekin pair, and got some ducklings. Four males and a female. :he They weren’t in love with the babies, but didn’t bully them. One morning, I let everyone out of the coop, and a duckling was getting a drink. My drake went over, and bopped him in the head. That itty bitty duckling CHARGED after my drake! :gig:gig:gig The duckling returned to the bowls, and went back to drinking. The adult drake chose another bowl.
I found the evidence.
Good afternoon gardeners. I’ve been busy with peaches, tomatoes and kale. I’m down to just one basket of tomatoes on my prep table. I washed and packaged up 2 pounds of kale yesterday. I made a large batch if stewed tomatoes to go with dinner last night and the leftovers are in the freezer. I gave 5 pounds of peaches to the food pantry then finished picking all but 2 or 3 peaches from the peach tree. Also got 2 large trays of sliced peaches into the freezer. I wanted to mow the grass in the backyard today but it gets a lot of shade and has still not dried out from the rain we got last week. My chickens are laying really well so I’m stocking up for their winter break. Have a great day all. Oh, and a big congratulations to @chickengr on your house.
It's a grey rainy unseasonably cool day in North Alabama 74 degrees. I let Dot(injured roo) out with a wrapped and treated foot because the girls that are very obviously fond of him were getting attacked by my less decent roo Rodney....we are changing his name to dinner he's very rude. The garden makes me sad but we have loofa and kale to harvest still and we got our first egg! Pretty little green one from a whiting. Dot will be back in later today for another soak but the swelling is lessening which is good i think I caught it very early if it was bumblefoot. Well I'm off to ice my knee and make black bean soup and arepas
Nothing, cold and wet here today. Gonna spend the day with the kids on the couch watching Hocus Pocus ;)
This week it's cooled down to the low 90s :), lol. But next weekend it's supposed to get back up to 106.

When we lived on Okinawa, I would store all my seeds in the freezer. They did fine without the soil, but not sure with soil. I seem to get volunteers in my garden each year. One year I let a few grow, and they were the larger grape tomatoes, probably from compost or manure.

Any seeds that really need cold stratification, I will overwinter in the fridge. The rest I simply keep in a cool dark place in the house. I have a closet at the back of the house that is pretty warm in summer and cool in winter. I keep most of my seeds there in storage.

I also use the fridge and freezer for seed storage. For that Amish method, I'd skip the dirt at first and freeze...then toss on dirt to thaw when your ready to use. The only seeds I know of that can't go in the fridge or freezer are moringa seeds...cold kills them. I'm sure there's other seeds like that though.

Sounds like good advice, all! Thanks!

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