What did you do in the garden today?

Waneta plum tree in bloom .
My rooster, Darl, died sometime last night. I found him on the floor of the coop. His comb was sort of purple and his head was at a weird angle. So maybe he had a heart attack...? Or fell and broke his neck?

Yeah, this was my butthead roo. I'm sorry and not-sorry at the same time. He had a good two years, though. I buried him in the garden.
Sorry about that @Sally PB. Butthead or not, still stinks.

Yard got mowed yesterday and with these new baby chicks and company coming over I totally forgot to tell him NOT to weedeat around the posts under the deck. Reckon my morning glory seeds were disturbed?! I had straw overlaying them but I can tell some straw has been displaced. Ugh!
This is my life too! I ended up putting rocks around posts so he sees them & knows not to weed eat that close. But sometimes he does anyway by accident, lol.

@Iluveggers I was going to say the same about the beer. I bet you could even rig up something so it's covered so the rain doesn't mess with it. Like a mayo jar with half a side toward the bottom cut out or something.

Chilly out there today, supposed to rain on & off. I'm glad its chilly though, I have a giant brisket it the oven for 13 hours @ 250 so it would be hot in here if I couldn't open the windows!

Nothing goin on in the garden. But I have some starts in the house in those starter peat pots & they are all moldy around the bottom. I'm def not over watering, it's just that time of year here where it rains all the time so nothing dries out. Any suggestions? I'm going to put a fan on them & see if that helps. & maybe put them up on a rack instead of sitting on the table.

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