What did you do in the garden today?

The storms were WICKED last night, but we've had worse than wicked. I can see we lost a one inch branch off the birch tree by the shop. NO surprise. Winds were over 50 and winds around the building can get near 90 as the air funnels through.
DH said the greenhouse is still standing,
I'll check the garden later. I'm running on 4 hours sleep so it might be a bit before I find the energy to walk down there.
Wish I could get my videos on here for you to see the lightning, but it was impressive and went on for 5 hours. The thunder was the kind that rattles windows, shakes the floor, and your teeth.


DH slept through it. :th
The storms were WICKED last night, but we've had worse than wicked. I can see we lost a one inch branch off the birch tree by the shop. NO surprise. Winds were over 50 and winds around the building can get near 90 as the air funnels through.
DH said the greenhouse is still standing,
I'll check the garden later. I'm running on 4 hours sleep so it might be a bit before I find the energy to walk down there.
Wish I could get my videos on here for you to see the lightning, but it was impressive and went on for 5 hours. The thunder was the kind that rattles windows, shakes the floor, and your teeth.

View attachment 2754097
DH slept through it. :th
It was pretty crazy here last night too. You could watch the clouds rise and twist as the front of the line went overhead. If that had happened earlier in the year I would have been headed to the storm shelter. The winds only hit about 40mph though. We got about an inch of rain in 30 minutes. Also pretty sure lightning hit somewhere on the back of the property
It was pretty crazy here last night too. You could watch the clouds rise and twist as the front of the line went overhead. If that had happened earlier in the year I would have been headed to the storm shelter. The winds only hit about 40mph though. We got about an inch of rain in 30 minutes. Also pretty sure lightning hit somewhere on the back of the property View attachment 2754102
NIIIICE! lightningmaps.org
Garden task today: Taking notes on progress of certain plants, where they are at mid-season. Its helpful to compare notes when choosing garden layout and seed purchases for the next season.

Then I'll make a birthday cake for teen. She has requested "Hummingbird Cake" for the last 3 years. This is a southern cake (according to the recipe) with banana, pineapple, and pecans in the cake. Frosting is a cream cheese frosting with toasted pecans scattered on top. She was hoping I would make it last night so she could have cake for breakfast today, but long day out of town yesterday, so no time to get that done.
Good morning gardeners, So we got 3 to 4 inches of water dumped on us by Elsa by Friday afternoon then more rain overnight and just an hour ago over another inch of rain. I did walk around the garden during the deluge and side dressed the plants in containers and the corn with some more fertilizer. Good news is there are tiny yellow squash and zucchini forming. Hopefully they can get pollinated in this "rain forest." I have mentioned this before @Sally PB, I really hate integrating new chickens. This will be my third time and it's why I am putting them in a grow out pen next to the big coop and run. I will be installing a door between the two runs so they can learn to mingle gradually. My little ladies are known for being brutal to newcomers and have drawn blood in the past. So this is why I've put so much work into it. Shopping yesterday was a struggle in the pouring rain so I wasn't able to do as much on the rooster pen as I had hoped. I did get the dirt dumped in his run while the ladies were on their free range time and they were quite happy to help with spreading the dirt all around and making sure there were no nasty bugs or worms in there. They know that Randy is a vegan and gets horrified if you offer him fresh protein. I also started hanging the hardware cloth before calling it a day. I did the final measurements for the remaining wood and will cut them in the garage. It's not supposed to rain all day so I should be able to get everything put together this afternoon. The only other garden related item was the little squash bug I found in one of the male zucchini flowers. It's one of the few bugs I've seen during this deluge. I didn't want him to drown so I squashed him.

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