What did you do in the garden today?

The white lines might be leaf miner. I had some on my Swiss chard & just kept removing the infected leaves and eventually it got big enough & I dont see much damage anymore
Well that's not gonna happen...just saw it yesterday and today the leaves are ALL GONE! Those things worked FAST!


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I hope you get used to wearing the mask and sleeping well at night. I know a number of people who use the CPAP mask and it makes a world of difference in the quality of their sleep and, more importantly, their energy level the next day. Nobody wants to feel like a beached whale. Once you get comfortable with the mask, you should sleep much better and have all the energy you need for the day.
Thanks for the encouragement. I have decided to quit grumbling about it and just accept. Also, no matter how tired I feel, gonna get after my chores. Maybe that will help.
Rain and a cold front overnight, and cool this morning.The house is open for fresh air inside, but the humidity is near 100%. The air scrubbers will take care of that when I turn them back on for tonight as the 90s come back tomorrow.

Some people can get by with the new mouthguards instead of cpap, maybe your situation might qualify?

I can't even sleep with a guard in for my teeth, LOL.

I'm a horrible sleeper. It takes me forever to fall asleep, and I wake up and then cannot fall back to sleep. For grins one night I slapped my bluetooth headset on and fell asleep to a 10 hour loop of thunder and rain on a window. OMG I slept like a brick. I've been at that a month. I fall asleep in minutes and zonk out for 8 hard hours. The few nights I've done without to test it, or forgot to charge the headset I'm up half the night, like last night from 200am until 5am. UGH.

Nothing in the garden or with stock today. It's dark and wet, and foxy out, so even the birds will stay in today.

Have a great day all :)
Thanks- will try that- I have a CD with rain on it. Have to use the full face mask due to facial injuries in a car accident when I was a teen. My BFF also has to wear one. My question is: has anyone ever had a sleep study that did NoT need CPAP?? Everyone I know over 50 has it.
Cabbage looper, most likely. Get caterpillar spray - all natural bc it is a bacterium that gets in caterpillar gut, they cannot eat so die. Works well unless bad infestation. TSC or similar will sell this spray.

we put our Brussels and cabbage under insect netting, they were so bad last year. Since they could not lay their eggs on their preferred thing, they have decimated my arugula in pots on the deck, and the nasturtium flowers in the garden. The only nasturtium not touched is surrounded by marigolds.
Yep....these buggers decimated my broccoli....now they are starting on the kohlrabi. Grrr.....should have covered them.
Last year I planted 1 Anaheim Pepper plant. I harvested all the peppers on it when they were green.... Anaheim peppers are supposed to be the green chiles that are used in Rotel. DH thought ours tasted more like green bell peppers (i.e. no spice to them).

This year I planted 4 Anaheim pepper plants. I also decided to wait until they were red (i.e. more spicy) before picking.... This is where I'm running into trouble. By the time they are turning red, the ends are rotting and the pepper is starting to turn wrinkled. I'm really tempted to start picking them when they are green. I've been looking online to see if a pepper will change colors/ripen after picking. Most sites say no...they may ripen but not change color. In order to get them to change color, you need to leave them on the vine OR put them in a windowsill.

Anyone have any experience with this? Just curious.... Most peppers I've picked and just left on the counter or in the fridge end up turning soft & wrinkly, just like the red Anaheim peppers. So I'm stumped on how to get a red, perfectly ripe and not rotten Anaheim pepper...
Thanks- will try that- I have a CD with rain on it. Have to use the full face mask due to facial injuries in a car accident when I was a teen. My BFF also has to wear one. My question is: has anyone ever had a sleep study that did NoT need CPAP?? Everyone I know over 50 has it.
Have a friend several years younger than me have one done. She doesn’t need one now but they told her she probably will need one when she gets into her 40s or 50s. My dad had one done and he stopped breathing so long at several points that they almost interrupted the sleep study to wake him up. Needless to say he has a CPAP.
My question is: has anyone ever had a sleep study that did NoT need CPAP?? Everyone I know over 50 has it.
I have been seeing ads on TV for something called Inspire. I know nothing about it, but the ads claim you can get rid of the mask and hose. No idea about the price.

Quotes from the site:

Inspire is placed under the skin of the neck and chest during a short, outpatient procedure. Shortly after the procedure, Inspire is turned on and you’ll be ready to get the sleep you’ve been dreaming of.

Inspire treats the root cause of sleep apnea by applying gentle stimulation to key airway muscles during sleep, allowing you to breathe normally, and more importantly, sleep without a mask, hose, or machine.

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