What did you do in the garden today?

Good morning gardeners. It’s still nice outside in the shade but getting a bit uncomfortable in the sun. The ducks are all set, and they’ve found where I put their big pool. They were so happy when they found it clean and full, there was much discussion about it.

I watered veggies this morning and two of the artichokes are ready. They’re small this year as usual, the second year I typically get much larger flowers. I have a few weeds to pull yet and I need to see if the shade thing we have already is big enough to fit a kiddie pool in. I’m also thinking about a ramp for the pool here because the blocks will get hot, unless I come up with a way to provide some shade for them with a plant or something. Anyway, keep your nails dirty, I’m headed back out to get a few more things done.
Several different things going on. Demand is up from so many people starting projects during quarantine. The people who are moving out of cities and building new houses or renovating old ones. The supply is just catching up again as COVID restrictions are lifted. Some industries are taking longer to catch up. I believe the lumber industry just caught up earlier this month. Our town is still low on wood. You couldn’t find wood at all for a while last summer. Gas prices are up meaning shipping costs are up. And lastly there are some companies that are taking advantage of the fact that people are still willing to pay prices. All building supplies seem to up. Around here large prefab commercial buildings were sold out through next April last I checked. Pre COVID you could get one in less than a month!
Well that’s my rant for the day. :oops:
We never ran out or low on supply here. But still.....
Just paid 9.99 for a box of screws that was 7.99 last year
I had mentioned a few days ago that I suspected lumber prices are being pushed artificially high... Yesterday DH went to a local distributor that we rarely use because they are so much more expensive than the box stores. The wood was really crappy which is unusual for them. The guy there mentioned that they were having a hard time getting lumber from their normal mills because demand is so high. However he also mentioned that they think prices are being artificially pushed higher. There is a big lumber yard about 20 minutes from my house. All of their outdoor warehouses are stacked full of lumber to the roof and more stacked outside. It is insane to think there is a supply problem....
Guy at HomeDepot in the construction side I work with said he never had a supply problem. And if the are artificially high to take advantage of people building and a market boom, that pisses me off....
The ducks are all set, and they’ve found where I put their big pool. They were so happy when they found it clean and full, there was much discussion about it.
Oh how I love that happy duck chatter and water makes them sooo happy! SInce I don't have enough space to add ducks here I love yours vicariously. Be sure to let us know when they start laying.

Today is shopping day but I saw to the critters and pulled a few weeds. The chickens got some of the meat, veg, and cooked soft bone from the latest pot of stock I made yesterday. I'll pick up some thyme and echinacea seeds and some decent looking pots so I can set them in front of the chicken run. The girls weren't interested in marigolds last year but they are far less picky now that they are properly hens.
The past few nights we've had a freeze warning. Temps down around 32 degrees so hovering just around freezing with a light southern wind. I went ahead and covered the strawberries, apple tree, and the tree seedlings I've been coddling. Left everything else. When I went outside on Thursday morning to pull sheets off the plants I'd covered, only the strawberries had a hint of frost. No evident frost yesterday morning or today. However, I decided to water the garden today since we have had any rain in 3 or 4 days and not expecting rain next week until Wednesday. To my dismay, I found several plants that are in bad shape. I immediately thought that something in the storm drain runoff might have killed them... Or something in the compost (I make my own)... But DH reminded me of the frost warning. Duh... I didn't cover these plants so it makes sense that they were damaged by the frost being so low to the ground.





My Anaheim peppers are completely shot... I honestly think I burned them with some compost mulch I put around them to kill the weeds... Going to buy new ones and move them to a new location.
Remember what I said about ghosting you guys for a while.... My school district has remained "in person" this entire school year, so I've been too busy to get an early start on my garden this year. I did get 10 straw bales and I'm about to start conditioning them for another straw bale garden. I have some lovely compost from the one I did last year, so I'll use most of that to grow potatoes in grow bags.

My Brahma turned out to be a girl, so I have 14 young ladies currently hanging out in a temporary dog run while we move the coop. Since my daughter can get in there easily, she has been hanging out with them like they are new friends!

Hope everyone is doing well. Probably not going to catch up on all the posts :)
Oh my gosh, she is beautiful :love and I am super happy for you and that I was wrong about her being a possible him. Totally awesome!!! What a beautiful flock and thank you for all your hard work educating our youth. Bravo, hope you stay safe.

*** deep sigh on post about people moving to rural areas, gas and lumber quality and prices. It pretty much sucks but I really hope things work out in the end. I just hate when they show up with attitude and no masks :smack:smack:smack:smackyuck!
Normally people like that don't stick around here for more than a few years max. We are not materialistic enough for most so :frow:frow:frow:frow hopefully only the good ones will stay, the rest have my permission to leave lol. Till then I will be amazed that I can sell my house for a cool million for awhile and it still needs lots of work. he he he! Well, here is to putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward mind, body and soul... a hui hou! 🌴:cool:🤙
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Beautiful space @igorsMistress :love

Only garden for me are the fruit trees now-a-daze. Avocado is blooming up a storm along with the Star Fruit & Orange. Banana's have 3 keiki's but no flag yet and the Sour Sop has grown a foot since planting a few months ago and I like the location of it because it will be shading my rooster coop very well by this time next year and it will really make the garden in a few more after that.
Also, asparagus that I have chosen to ignore and the papaya that started in same planter ox are bangin'. I tossed a bunch of Papaya seed randomly as they seem to do better when I am not involved.

Chooks laying up a storm and also making equal noise. I have enough to fill my bowl, makes a few quiches, boil and share plenty as I fill my other bowl. I will enjoy while I can :yesss:
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@TropicalBabies thank you, it’s coming along anyway! I’d like to find something that does well in partial sun that the ducks won’t devour to put in the corner behind the pool so that’s the next thing in there. That yard is difficult to work with because it has a western exposure. Lots of shade in winter, then some serious sun on summer afternoons. I might try a secon Arabian lilac to shade the side of the house a bit more but I’m planning to move the bunnies outside by next fall to have to build a run onto the mini coop first. .
@TropicalBabies thank you, it’s coming along anyway! I’d like to find something that does well in partial sun that the ducks won’t devour to put in the corner behind the pool so that’s the next thing in there. That yard is difficult to work with because it has a western exposure. Lots of shade in winter, then some serious sun on summer afternoons. I might try a secon Arabian lilac to shade the side of the house a bit more but I’m planning to move the bunnies outside by next fall to have to build a run onto the mini coop first. .
Our plumbago, Naupaka and Song of India take all of our abuse- we rarely water them and they're in a neglected sandy loam. I had a few other things planted there that survived only because I obsessed with their care but when I went in for surgery no one bothered to water or even spit on (lol no resentment there :gig) so I planted the Naupaka and Song of India after my recovery because they are virtually indestructible and I don't need to be pissy about the little things. Plus it made a bad neighbor disappear! The S of I can be used in floral arrangements too and propagates super easy. The chickens go in and under these all the time looking for lizards and to cool off. I can send you some Naupaka seeds and a cutting of the S of I if you want. I think I MAY still have your add if not I can PM you.

I bet all you gardeners are dying to get out your corona's and trim the dead leaves lol. Like I said, neglected.

We trim all for a mixed hedge but all get HUGE like small trees if planted as a specimen and all are fairly easy to trim, especially the Naupaka. Usually the Plumbago is peeking through on this hedge with it's blue flowers but DH just trimmed so not as pretty at this moment. Just let me know if you are interested and I'll pull a few seeds to dry.

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