What did you do in the garden today?

Wow! Well, a pandemic is not necessarily politics and I did not hear leadership mentioned. A pandemic is a tuff subject. Sorry @igorsMistress BUT... BUT... BUT...!!!
290,000 is a lot of deaths and worth polite conversation across our country and the world. 3,000 deaths yesterday alone. That is a 911 or roughly 15 plane crashes in 1 day, and we just called it Wednesday. If 15 planes crashed everyday the airports would be closed or certainly not many people wanting to fly. The news thinks it is news worthy and that they should inform us too- it is there job and what they do, we can turn the channel anytime we see fit.

Being many of us are not really gardening... on this garden thread... should all outside topics be tabu? Understanding this is a difficult topic but I was thinking I was with safe semi established online relationships. I understand, there is a Covid/pandemic thread and if I need to chat about the 15 plane crashes a day I will go there in the future. Strictly garden here. OK.

Well, aloha kakahiaka gardeners!
Woke up and it was wet from rain. I will go plant some more lettuce seeds in pots and harvest some greens to supplement tonight's salad. Todays temps will be mid 80's still but cooling to 70's in the eve. Beautiful weather and I feel truly blessed this time of year.
Have an awesome day all, stay safe and well. Aloooooha! 😷🤙

***I do recall mentioning our governor and possibly mayor, I stand corrected about politics @igorsMistress
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Well this morning on my way to the post office I came across a line of bagged leaves in front of some homes, quickly circled back around, and stuffed my car full of them. Lucked out as no plastic/garbage/or dog poop could be found, just all that free compost to layer in my garden beds!


Welcome to the garden thread. What we tell all new posters in the garden thread is to let us know, in general, where you are located. Some of us are gardening right now, others are perusing seed catalogs bc we can’t garden. I’m zone 6 in western Ohio. You can put it in your profile (like my general location is on mine) so you won’t be asked all the time!
Wow! Well, a pandemic is not necessarily politics and I did not hear leadership mentioned. A pandemic is a tuff subject. Sorry @igorsMistress BUT... BUT... BUT...!!!
290,000 is a lot of deaths and worth polite conversation across our country and the world. 3,000 deaths yesterday alone. That is a 911 or roughly 15 plane crashes in 1 day, and we just called it Wednesday. If 15 planes crashed everyday the airports would be closed or certainly not many people wanting to fly. The news thinks it is news worthy and that they should inform us too- it is there job and what they do, we can turn the channel anytime we see fit.

Being many of us are not really gardening... on this garden thread... should all outside topics be tabu? Understanding this is a difficult topic but I was thinking I was with safe semi established online relationships. I understand, there is a Covid/pandemic thread and if I need to chat about the 15 plane crashes a day I will go there in the future. Strictly garden here. OK.

Well, aloha kakahiaka gardeners!
Woke up and it was wet from rain. I will go plant some more lettuce seeds in pots and harvest some greens to supplement tonight's salad. Todays temps will be mid 80's still but cooling to 70's in the eve. Beautiful weather and I feel truly blessed this time of year.
Have an awesome day all, stay safe and well. Aloooooha! 😷🤙

***I do recall mentioning our governor and possibly mayor, I stand corrected about politics @igorsMistress
Key word POLITE. :hugs
I made some more Mulligan Stew yesterday and a pecan pie - shared with a friend. Froze most of the rest. Some outside Christmas decorations were put up - kind of sparse, but at least it is Christmassy. May add more lights on Friday. Since my husband died, I haven't put any lights on the roof - my MD told me to stay off ladders which I must agree with- already did a butt thump off the step stool putting up garlands.
I need to move my Christmas Tree near a window so the lights can shine out. That would require moving all the patio plants that I brought inside. So maybe, no.
There doesn't seem to be much more to do in the gardens this year- except add one more layer of chicken poop when I clean the coop this week end. After that, will let it do it's thing until spring when I plant. Just need to figure out when to prune back the crepe myrtle and roses.
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Are those chickens pulling santas sleigh?! 🤣
I just came across the horse radish in the fridge drawer ! I STILL haven't put it in dirt! AHHHHH!!!

Snow coming tomorrow. Marketing today. I just need to get house done really quick first.
You need to get that horseradish in too! I’ve heard the cold is what gives it the bite

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