What did you do in the garden today?

I honestly don't understand how taking sensible covid precautions has somehow become an assault on our freedom, according to some. The freedoms and liberties we seem to take for granted today, were all paid for by past generations in numerous times of crises and wars and depressions - too many paying the ultimate sacrifice with their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
We're in another crisis, this time fighting a war against a pandemic - why is something so simple as staying home as much as possible, and wearing a mask when we need to go out, considered by some as so intolerable?
My late Dad was part of D-Day, froze his way through Europe from Utah Beach to Germany, earned a Purple Heart, and never considered what he did as anything other than his duty as an American citizen.
But simply staying home as much as possible and wearing a mask at the grocery store is too much of a sacrifice for some people.
I get that these shutdowns are destroying small businesses - but if we'd had a strict national 3-week shutdown in early March combined with a stimulus bill that actually benefitted small businesses and individuals, then a national mask mandate until July, along with localized shutdowns based on contact tracing... many lives would have been saved and many of us would now be able to visit our families for Christmas.
Rant over, sorry if I offended anybody.
My liberties/freedoms should not override another's liberties/freedoms to health, safety and wellbeing -for them and their families- and neither should anybody else's for mine. Common sense and decency is what we are asking.
Morning Gardeners One sdimple thing I have hoped from the beggining that any all without masks just die from it .. I give up .. pissed and mad

Unfortunately it's not the people unmasked who get it, it's the people around them. :( My mask protects you, but your lack of mask infects me. That's how G got it - at work there's unmasked people daily. Our local mandates don't actually punish people for violating it so it's pointless.
I've said it elsewhere but I'll defend anyones right to do something that only hurts them. Eat raw chicken, go rock climbing, smoke outdoors, lick poison toads, ride a motorcycle, etc. It's not my business when it doesn't effect me and we all have our vices. It's when it hurts other people that I'm not OK with it.

Working on Yule stuff today. Gonna make some candles! Should be a good time.
I honestly don't understand how taking sensible covid precautions has somehow become an assault on our freedom, according to some. The freedoms and liberties we seem to take for granted today, were all paid for by past generations in numerous times of crises and wars and depressions - too many paying the ultimate sacrifice with their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
We're in another crisis, this time fighting a war against a pandemic - why is something so simple as staying home as much as possible, and wearing a mask when we need to go out, considered by some as so intolerable?
My late Dad was part of D-Day, froze his way through Europe from Utah Beach to Germany, earned a Purple Heart, and never considered what he did as anything other than his duty as an American citizen.
But simply staying home as much as possible and wearing a mask at the grocery store is too much of a sacrifice for some people.
I get that these shutdowns are destroying small businesses - but if we'd had a strict national 3-week shutdown in early March combined with a stimulus bill that actually benefitted small businesses and individuals, then a national mask mandate until July, along with localized shutdowns based on contact tracing... many lives would have been saved and many of us would now be able to visit our families for Christmas.
Rant over, sorry if I offended anybody.
:highfive: I’d like to see a travel ban. Across the country and world. No one in or out period for at least two months and no, you can’t go to your winter home in the warm state either. Not even if you drive there. Just stay where you are and deal with it for now.
Grandson got released from hospital yesterday . Today we got tested for covid . Frustrating process . I have something just want to know what . Had covid and seemed recovered . Followed quarantine . My concern is if this is still covid then I could have spread it without symptoms .
Morning Gardeners One sdimple thing I have hoped from the beggining that any all without masks just die from it .. I give up .. pissed and mad
Well that seems a bit harsh as there are some that CANNOT, truly, wear a mask due to other conditions. Many in our deaf community don't as they can't see each other's lips.

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