What did you do in the garden today?

We just bought this place 3.5 years ago and have no intention of going anywhere. The taxes have appreciated about as much as the property itself. It would take a large stack to make me move.
I bought my dream house- small with about 1/2 acre for gardens and chickens. I live in a rural area, but the property taxes are horrendous and keep going up. I pay $2000 in taxes while a friend who lives in a neighboring county with a similar house and grounds pays $400. In 8 years, mine have increased hundreds of dollars- and I homestead exemption and over 65 exemption- and still, it goes up. I had hoped to live here til the end, but now I wonder how long I can afford to stay.
DP dropped ours off at the city hall a couple weeks ago, Oregon went to vote by mail or drop off 24 years ago. I'd think given life these days, everyone else would go that way too. I made our pickup today but since I needed a couple things wallymart didn't have, I stopped at Fred's and it's been a while since I've been inside a grocery store. I came out with what I went in for plus a whole roasted chicken (it smelled so good even through my mask), a bunch of winter squash (I didn't grow enough), some cheese bagels, and a bottle of strawberry margarita mix (got the vodka already). I figure one way or another, tonight is a party night.
Does anyone here grow rutabagas? I'm not sure when to pull them. I covered them with straw & then leaves, I'm hoping to leave them as long as possible as I think they got a very late start & are small.

I have to pull the dahlia bulbs too & get them winterized. They should get a 2nd burst of cold tonight, that ought to do it.
Good afternoon gardeners. I watered the artichokes this morning, nothing else is really happening. Today is day 5 for the duck eggs and I can’t tell whether there’s anything going on or not. Hopefully in a few more days I’ll be able to.
The chicken dug out my dormant artichokes. I had 5 good ones going into summer now I have dust piles around the planters.

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