What did you do in the garden today?

Last week I was worried about frost, so I picked as many tomatoes as I could - lots of beautiful, big, blemish-free Romas, except they were green. I wrapped each one in newspaper and put them in a bag on top of the fridge where they would be warmish. Yesterday I unwrapped them, and every one was black, rock-hard and inedible. What did I do wrong, you gardening folks?! So disappointing. I should have made salsa or fried green tomatoes when I had them...
That's weird, I don't know what happened, that's how I've always ripened the last of my green tomatoes - wrapped in newspaper. But, I do keep them in a cooler place, don't have any idea if that makes a difference or not tho. What a bummer. :hit
That is sad!
I thought the same thing as @Sueby . The top of the fridge was probably too warm, and sped the whole process up.
Mid 70s all week and snow expected next Monday. LOL. Ah...Nebraska. So glad I can pop the large winter windows on the run/coop.

I was gong to start some apple peel jelly today, but I'm not in the mood to be inside.

I think I'll save it for when the house will be closed up and cool. Plus it will make the house smell amazing.

I think I'll run to the market and then come home and let the hens out for the day and toss the molting queen back into the general population and clean her cage.

I think the teenagers are starting to lay.

Besides that, been knitting up a storm for the shop, I can hardly keep up. (Scottish cowls) and still need to weed out the garden path and get the horseradish into some dirt in the potting shed.

Hope you all have a great day.
So do any of you grow a aromatic herb called sweet Annie . I have it as a invasive from a neighbor . Nice smell for sachets and such . I don't use it but it is interesting .
Wow, that sent me down the rabbit hole. It sounds like a beautiful plant but invasive due to massive seed drop. Dang, it's good for making swags and wreaths, might be good in a pot to try to keep it under control.

Yeah @littledog, I'm coming in on the too warm a spot side. I'm so sorry about all those tomatoes lost. I had the best luck in the kitchen right next to some ripe bananas and in the garage (much slower) where it was cool and mostly dark.

@jerryse, ouch! Take care of yourselves and please keep us updated.

The fog is just burning off this morning and I could hear the breakers when I was outside to collect eggs and clean the poop board. I love that sound, we can hear it some nights and once in a while in the morning. I'm fine this morning, a few scrapes and a slightly black eye but otherwise fine. It's supposed to rain tomorrow and continue for the rest of the week. I need to get the peony roots planted and then we're going to go do some fishing. :) Oh, and here's one of Koraline's eggs, she lays light olive green eggs often with speckles, I just think they're so pretty!.
Koraline Egg.jpg
@Compost King Are you selling your place, then?

The market is getting to be a sellers market around here, that is for sure. More people wanting to buy houses than there are on the market.

Glad we got our place at the end of the last sellers market. The owner "officially" listed it for sale on Friday at noon. Friday at 8am we had already scheduled a viewing for 10am and at 1:00 we placed an offer - and we were the second one to place an offer!! Luckily she took our offer. She had 40 acres, was willing to split it. The other offer only wanted 10 acres w/ the house; our offer was for 25 acres w/house and option to buy the remaining 15 acres after our other house sold. She received 4 offers on Monday from people out of state that never even saw the place.

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