What did you do in the garden today?

Morning all, 32 here this morning with clear skies. I checked the water for the rabbits and chickens and all seems fine. I have a grocery pick up this morning including frozen sweet potato fries @WthrLady, since I now have to try the rub on them. :) I never thought of sprinkling it on other things besides using it as a rub, thanks for the idea, I'll try it everywhere now! The older I am getting, the more I am craving spicy food and the less DP wants spicy, now I have something besides sriracha and salsa to turn to. I'll have to make my next batch of canned salsa with store bought tomatoes. Maybe the restaurant supply place has them at a better price.

Ack time to go!
I bet it's good on popcorn too!

Okay, I meant to post these earlier:
Glyness and Koraline.jpg

The black headed one is Glyness and the gold headed one is Koraline, my easter eggers. Glyness lays pale turquoise eggs and Koraline lays light olive green eggs, often with darker speckles on them. They're the 2 boss pullets and magnanimous rulers.

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This is Amelia, she is nosey and would NOT let me take a nice picture of her. She is Pullet number 3 and is not even a little magnanimous. She's my big Buff Orpington and lays big (sometimes huge) light brown eggs 6 days a week.

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Garlic, and shallots, and already growing. They aren't supposed to mind a bit of frost, I guess I'll find out.

Winter Brassica 10.26.20.jpg

These are my fall/winter brassicas and a lot of rabbit poo. Compost too and they are growing like crazy so far.

Fall Greenhouse.jpg

These are my peppers, basil, and epazote (Mexican oregano) that I am hoping to keep alive in the newly moved greenhouse.

And here is a picture only another composting fool will appreciate:
Empty Compost.jpg

So nearly empty, and ready to start filling again. Next step, dump the heap of tomato vines piled next to the beds in and stomp 'em down. About time to pull the potted tomatoes out of said pots and add them to the pile. That little dab that's left in the bin is brown gold.
Good afternoon gardeners. It was plenty windy earlier today but it has calmed considerably. Took the pup to get her stitches out this afternoon, then looked in on the gardens. I’ll need to water the artichokes tomorrow for sure. We have a few nice days in the 80s coming up and then we’re back to the low 90s for a few days. I feel like if I plant anything the stuff will be confused by temps. Supposed to start cool and then warm up, not the other way around. I’m irritated that supposedly my duck eggs shipped Friday but they still aren’t here. I could have driven to Texas and back home with them already and I have no tracking info for them which is also an irritant. Hubs should be home soon and we’ll have a walk around the block before dinner which is leftover potato soup. Have a good night all!
Minimal work day, fed chickens, fed rabbits, made sure they had water. Slept all day because I get stupid with staying up too late at night sometimes. However I was able to do one small winter garden construction project. I made a small shelf to hold plants in my small pots. I needed to provide some shade to the bubble cloner, it needs light but not direct sunlight. Its at the bottom right of the screen with a scrap piece of white plastic on top to help shade it a bit. I put my wireless temperature probe inside the humidity dome of the bubble cloner and it stopped working. Too humid for electronics in there. Luckily I had a back up from one that the display broke. I plan to keep my tall plants in front of the bubble cloner so it gets filtered light which is all it needs. I can't put plants on top of it because they would be next to and above the electronic components I need to keep dry. One careless watering near that equipment could cause me serious problems. But something tall on the far side of the bubble cloner would be safe to water.
In that jar is a Pineapple top that was prepped to root. I was in the mood for Pineapple tonight and thought I would attempt to propagate it. If the holes in my bubble cloner were double the size I could have just popped in there but instead I put it in a jar with the water going to the correct spot to encourage root growth. Never done this before. I placed it in the bubble cloner to take advantage of the humidity dome. Humidity in the bubble Dome is 99% and 86% in the greenhouse. The higher the humidity the better. The negative side to putting it in there is that the Pineapple cutting basin could heat up and increase the chances of fungus killing the roots as they form. For now I will keep it in there but tomorrow I might create its own humidity dome provided I have the resourced for it.

Anyone interested in how to do this I used an instructional video from Homestead Heart on youtube. I will post it upon request but its easy to search for.
In that jar is a Pineapple top that was prepped to root. I was in the mood for Pineapple tonight and thought I would attempt to propagate it. If the holes in my bubble cloner were double the size I could have just popped in there but instead I put it in a jar with the water going to the correct spot to encourage root growth. Never done this before. I placed it in the bubble cloner to take advantage of the humidity dome. Humidity in the bubble Dome is 99% and 86% in the greenhouse. The higher the humidity the better. The negative side to putting it in there is that the Pineapple cutting basin could heat up and increase the chances of fungus killing the roots as they form. For now I will keep it in there but tomorrow I might create its own humidity dome provided I have the resourced for it.

Anyone interested in how to do this I used an instructional video from Homestead Heart on youtube. I will post it upon request but its easy to search for.
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I am pretty dern good at pineapple propagation and the method you are using I do not believe will end in good results. I usually start peeling the lower leaves off until I see root nodules and once I have 10-20 of those exposed I plant it.

Top watering the inner nodal leaf roots(treat it like the bromeliad it is) is the most effective in its first 2 months until roots actually develop then and only then can you water the soil and expect the roots to take up the water. Hey maybe you are lucky I will look for a youtube video for the method I use with 100% success. Been at it for about 5 years and the bunnies always thank me for my time and effort. Some day I will beat them to my fruit. 18-24 months until harvest via this method.
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Today has been cold and rainy, so not too much outside work. The temp has been in the 44-50 range. The chicklets are 6 weeks old and doing fine- I still think Abigail may be a cockerel :(.
The hens haven't laid anything in about a week, but that is ok. Still dealing with the fowl pox. Vaccine is here and just waiting on a friend to come on Friday to help hold the victims, er I mean chickens.
I did make that chocolate zuccinni bread and it was tasty. Gonna make regular zuccinni bread when that is gone- I went overboard on buying those things. I swept off the patio and got a lot of those summer pointsetta seeds put away. They are growing along the edge of the patio, behind the Rose of Sharon, beside the concrete couch- everywhere I can stick them.
I mowed for the last time this year yesterday before the rain started. Will be glad when weeding and weed wacking is done for the year. I put styrofoam covers over the faucets outside the house. The stand alone faucet,about two feet tall, outside by the chicken coop tneeds to be re wrapped- the hens pecked the plastic off and it is in shreds.


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