What did you do in the garden today?

Happy Friday, Everyone!

Awesome, we can continue to learn about them from each other.

Some of the old-timers around here used to hang the whole plants upside down in a shed while the last few tomatoes ripened. They reckoned you got more flavour in the fruit that way. Have you ever tried this? Most people just strip the fruit off and put it on a window sill to ripen.

Oooh, I have recently put in seeds of Russian sage. I have never grown it before. All this working from home has given me back my commute time each day to try new things. Is there anything I should know about growing it?
I've never grown it from seed. Mine spreads through roots. Bees love it. I think it smells musty and dusty. I always wear a mask when I cut it to the ground in the Fall. Other than that, just get out of its way!
I sat on my butt and conjured up a hurricane to stretch across 4 states before reaching mine and used it to water my garden. Sally came through and left the wind behind so it wasn't windy. Sally being a good hurricane split up her heaviest rains to the east and west of me so I only received the right amount of rain to water all my plants.... that and I ordered seeds for next year online. Other than that I did nothing in the garden today.
DW grabbed the coolest picture while I was off for an afternoon nap. I am cross posting this Texas Indigo Snake everywhere as she captured it perfectly. These guys eat the big bad uglies in the snake world so I should probably be worried I have one on my porch.
Good afternoon gardeners. Nothing done in the garden today. I did go out and move the newest babies to the coop this afternoon. These all hatched from Turken eggs, the blue is the only one that will stay if it’s a pullet.

These are one of my d’Uccle and both AC chicks

That’s pretty much it I guess. Time to fix dinner and get a shower. Have a great night!
Thanks! I"ll start with a real garden question: If you plant raspberries, how do you keep the birds (chickens and wild birds) and chipmunks and squirrels off?
House plant questions: Has anyone here ever kept a venus flytrap and were they difficult to care for?
I put netting over most berry fruit. That works for birds. No squirrels or chipmunks here, so no idea how much deterrent they need.
Venus fly traps are easy to keep. I did manage to kill one, but it was outside and being "nurtured" with solid neglect.

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