What did you do in the garden today?

Morning all. Nice day out. Picked a ton of greenbeans, not sure if I will dilly bean them or freeze...

@Wee Farmer Sarah I believe if you use gluten free baking powder they would be gluten free but they are definitely NOT low fat, they are made with a dough called fathead dough, it's basically melted mozzarella & cream cheese & almond flour. Oh & eggs. https://www.wholesomeyum.com/recipe...-almond-flour-keto-gluten-free-5-ingredients/
Ok, back to it, have a great day all!
Bummer, I’m sure they are delicious but I need a GF and dairy free recipe.
Morning all. Heading for a scalding hot and windy day. The hens are out pecking about and hiding under the coop.
I am replacing a coop window today, planting a tree (since we're getting 3 inches of rain this week), building an enclosure for it (alpacas love trees to death), getting the dog a bath, canning puree, and painting the window on the coop, busy busy busy.

I need to walk the garden and see if there is anything that can be picked and brought in before we drop 55 degrees.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Yup got my shower wide awake dinner planned need to clean coops heavy fog here.. Sun looks to be burning it off see how big my squash is, potato plants still green one of my tomatillo looks like living dead. One in the corner is thriving took it's time getting going .. Lots of brussle sprouts coming in strong, trying to keep the snails out :fl
I have never seen those birds before, Nat Geo let me down. They are gorgeous! And so bold. I made tomatillo salsa yesterday and fresh red tomato salsa today. I think I messed up the green, it has a bitter tang to it. I'll use it but I like the red much better, had it on my eggs for lunch.

About all I'm getting from the garden now is tomatoes which are great of course, given the thick growth it's like an Easter egg hunt every day. The baby cucumber plants are coming along but a long way from producing. I've been reluctant to just pull out the old kale plants, the leaves aren't anything I'd serve humans but the chickens and rabbits still love them. I think I'll plant the fall kale someplace else and keep harvesting the old kale till the weather is cooler and then pull them out and plant the mustard greens where the kale is now. The sunchokes are finally starting to bloom, once they have enough flowers to really see, I'll post pictures.

Still getting thin shelled eggs from the sfh and sussex, but a couple didn't break on hitting the poop board so I cooked those up for the ladies. But all eggs counted, we had 7 eggs today with maybe one more still coming. And I love the colors of the eggs. Just need a white egg and a copper maran dark brown egg layer. But that will only be if we lose someone, I love these girls. Even the amber links (Pepita and Queenie) that I once thought of as kinda boring are a pretty white and amber mix of feathers and they have settled in to laying like little machines and are so tame.
Ok I was 2-3 days away from this thread an am now 15 pages behind? I hope everyone is getting their crops in. It is depressing around here watching the farmers plow thier cotton under. The Malinois is still an impressive animal. He luvs tug. I don't know what this dog would not do for a ball or tug toy.
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Good afternoon gardeners. Headache had me up much of the night but I got to have a nap this morning and starting to feel better. Didn't get out of bed until 1000, no dog park, no garden activity. Pretty sure I'm allergic to a lot if whatever is in the wood chips and my allergy pills aren't enough. Going to try them every 12 hours instead of once a day for a bit. Temp made it to 114 here yesterday and it's 113 today. The news was saying this is our new normal; if that's the case I dunno about keeping chickens here for much longer. I can use the coops for the buns and move them outside during the cooler part of the year which I think they'd love actually. We shall see. Otherwise, it has been a lazy day. I'm currently watching Aliens and waiting for my daughter to get back from the store. BLTs and ambrosia salad for dinner tonight, keeping it cool and light. Have a great evening all.

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