What did you do in the garden today?

Good morning gardeners :frow

It was wet when I got up yesterday but didn't rain particularly hard. It drizzled a bit in the morning and then a nice gentle rain for a while in the late afternoon. I was out there anyway.

I transplanted the snake plant clumps into pots, the biggest went into a single large pot and I left it on the patio. I divided the smaller clump into 2 pots. I also trimmed a few pieces off the the lantana and have thise out in the garden too until they root. I cut off the longest of the mustard leaves and fed those to the chickens


I dug a couple of holes out near the mesquite tree and transplanted bushes. One is a Mexican Bird of Paradise and I can't remember the other. Well protected from the raptors as you can see

I'm off Thursday so the plan is to finish pulling the pieces of brick around the aloes and get the yard raked up that day. I still have an oleander to transplant and some new weeds to pull out front.

We have termites :barnie I'm taking all the plants out of the planter under the front window and we'll be filling it in with pavers. I'm going to put a bench out there and a potted plant and keep it simple. I'll be calling around for services to deal with the termites this week. Not sure about how to deal with it with chickens in the backyard :(I also know a few bonfires are in our near future, time to get rid of some old wood that's laying around.

Have a great week and stay warm everyone :)
Good morning gardeners. Sorry about the termites @igorsMistress. I think a professional "bug guy" will be able to treat for the termites with no harm to your chickens. I guess we're getting some of your weather @WthrLady. The temperatures are supposed to be in the mid 50's today and tomorrow so I will be sending little Suzy Q back to the coop. I was in the other room and I heard her clucking away softly to herself. It was very sweet sounding. And of course, they are forecasting 2 - 4 inches of snow on Wednesday. This is reminding me of December 2017 when it snowed about once a week. We usually get the heavy snows after the holidays. I got the Christmas tree put together and decorated in the living room. So, if I can keep the chickens out of the house, maybe I can finally paint my bathroom. I'm off to an exercise class this morning and then waiting for the furnace guy this afternoon. Hopefully I can get a little work done in between. Stay warm and dry and have a great day everyone.
The chicken cooked nicely over the fire - we had half chickens, but they cooked through and even got some crispy skin! @karenerwin, we only got male meat chicks this year. Last year we got straight run, and there was quite a difference in the male/female size. Females were meaty, but the males were noticeably larger. This strain seems to stay healthy and still walks around just fine, some even run a bit! Maybe this strain would live for awhile too, but we only grew out 8 this year.
Good morning gardeners. Sorry about the termites @igorsMistress. I think a professional "bug guy" will be able to treat for the termites with no harm to your chickens. I guess we're getting some of your weather @WthrLady. The temperatures are supposed to be in the mid 50's today and tomorrow so I will be sending little Suzy Q back to the coop. I was in the other room and I heard her clucking away softly to herself. It was very sweet sounding. And of course, they are forecasting 2 - 4 inches of snow on Wednesday. This is reminding me of December 2017 when it snowed about once a week. We usually get the heavy snows after the holidays. I got the Christmas tree put together and decorated in the living room. So, if I can keep the chickens out of the house, maybe I can finally paint my bathroom. I'm off to an exercise class this morning and then waiting for the furnace guy this afternoon. Hopefully I can get a little work done in between. Stay warm and dry and have a great day everyone.
I hope Suzy Q is accepted by the others. I've never had to separate one from the rest of the flock, but have heard that sometimes the one that's been separated is picked on and bullied by the others when it is re-introduced, so hope that doesn't happen to Suzy Q.
I have started supplementing our ladies' layer feed with a few other goodies, since they can't get out to free range in the winter. They've been getting shredded kale, blueberries, apples, pumpkin, etc. May pick up some other treats for them when we go shopping.
I don't drink much juice. Being a diabetic, I have been told not to because juice breaks down into sugar too fast since there is no flesh or pulp for your body to process.

I have been selling some of my jams and jellies in the past few months and I plan to give many away as Christmas presents, so they will be used. :lau I also don't eat much jam or jelly, again because of the sugar content. I do make lots of low sugar varieties though.

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Here are the pictures we did.I'm seated on the right, my Mom is seated next to me. My niece is to my left, her friend is in the red and my friend is next to her (the tallest one). My friend that owns the winery has her back to the camera and has a pony tail. Her daughter is another friend of mine, but she is not pictured. Another friend of mine came too and brought her Mom, her Mother-in-law and 2 other friends from Girl Scouts. Counting me, we made up more than half of the group!
It's fun to see you and your posse! Or one of them? Nice looking bunch you are! I think those paint nights look like fun.
Well you don't want my weather. When I got up this morning at 6. The wind was howling at 42mph. The snow was flying, and you could only see 50 yards. Chores were brutal this morning. Windchill of -2. OC we'll be back into the mid 40s by Wednesday. (OH MY ACHING joints)

Have sugar cookie dough in the fridge cooling off. Icing is in the mixer.

No garden dreams today.

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