What did you do in the garden today?

Just got my seed order today from Sandhill preservation. Nov sale: they included an extra packet of seeds in same type of purchased seed...for each packer purchased. So, now I have so many seed packets!! Some of the extra seeds sound good - I’ll likely plant some of these. There were only 2-3 that I received that I’m not sure I’ll use. Anyway, nice to plan for the spring / summer garden.
We also received our Baker Creek seed catalog a few days ago. Was so busy decorating for Christmas I didn't even open it yet (though I was enticed by the pretty Phlox on the front!). Hope to check it out soon. I actually already ordered a few things from them online about a month ago, but will look through their catalog to see if there's any other seeds that I can't live without! Lol.
Had my follow up diagnostic mammogram today followed by an ultrasound. They think they found 3 or so cysts and want me to wait 6 months and then come back and re-do the diagnostics. I wasn't okay with that so instead they are going to do a needle biopsy next Wednesday.
I had thyroid cancer 7 or so years ago and they couldn't tell from the ultrasound, the several needle biopsies, or even on the operating table whether not not they were cancerous. It turned out all 6 were cancerous, so I don't want to just sit and wait this time either.
Hopefully, the needle biopsy on Wednesday will give me some definite answers ( one way or another).
We finished all of our Christmas shopping and I have everything wrapped and labeled!!
I've never been finished this early, ever!
Tomorrow I go to another paint party at my friend's winery. My mom is coming as well as my niece and a friend of her's and 3 friend's of mine! Hopefully the paintings turn out pretty good.
Monday I am going to go visit an ex-sister-in-law that I am still friends with, but we don't see each other very often. Then on Tuesday we are going with our 6 year old Grandson and his parents to do the Polar Express!
I'm hoping to get some yard work done tomorrow morning.
Have a great night everyone!
Had my follow up diagnostic mammogram today followed by an ultrasound. They think they found 3 or so cysts and want me to wait 6 months and then come back and re-do the diagnostics. I wasn't okay with that so instead they are going to do a needle biopsy next Wednesday.
I had thyroid cancer 7 or so years ago and they couldn't tell from the ultrasound, the several needle biopsies, or even on the operating table whether not not they were cancerous. It turned out all 6 were cancerous, so I don't want to just sit and wait this time either.
Hopefully, the needle biopsy on Wednesday will give me some definite answers ( one way or another).
We finished all of our Christmas shopping and I have everything wrapped and labeled!!
I've never been finished this early, ever!
Tomorrow I go to another paint party at my friend's winery. My mom is coming as well as my niece and a friend of her's and 3 friend's of mine! Hopefully the paintings turn out pretty good.
Monday I am going to go visit an ex-sister-in-law that I am still friends with, but we don't see each other very often. Then on Tuesday we are going with our 6 year old Grandson and his parents to do the Polar Express!
I'm hoping to get some yard work done tomorrow morning.
Have a great night everyone!

I really hope the biopsy indicates nothing cancerous. But, you are wise to try to get an answer sooner vs later!

congrats on completing Christmas shopping!
Good morning gardeners. I think you made a wise decision @karenerwin. Best to find out the earliest possible. I wish you the best. Outside work yesterday was just pushing some of the snow back a bit more. Now my Santa and Frosty the Snowman are visible from the street again and a few of the solar lights are working again as well. My little "Susie Q" is slowly recovering. The feathers that have regrown so far are quite lovely. She's a RIR and her new feathers are the deep, almost mahogany color. Her comb is turning a healthier shade of red but still flops a little on one end. I really think the first 2 days she was in a little shock with being brought indoors. She did eat quite a bit of scrambled egg yesterday. I will give her some meal worms later. I did get the rest of my Christmas cards in the mail and had the furnace repaired. All I'll say about the furnace is that it's working and won't need anything more than a cleaning here and there for the next 10 years or so. I'm actually getting some decorations on my little Christmas tree. So I feel like I'm catching up in my work finally. The seeds are out for sale at my discount store (they sell Burpee) and after I decide what I'll be planting I'll be buying the seeds early. Right now those seeds are 50% off the regular Burpee price. Still lots to do but I'm taking it slow. Have a great day everyone.

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