What did you do in the garden today?

I still have scallions growing in the garden under a half a foot of snow. For some reason they haven't died! Maybe because they got so huge, the are giant mutant onions!

My chickens are pretty mad about the snow. I have one that will venture out & the others stand in the door & scream & bitch at her. She came up & hung out with me while I cleaned the snow off the bird netting, the others just yelled from the door the whole time. :gig

:lau I get this when it rains, the big girls walk around bitching all day because they don't want to share the dry areas with the others :rolleyes:
Good morning all. Yesterday was not as productive as I would have liked. I was feeling pretty worn out after half the day at the Senior Center. I did finish addressing the rest of the Christmas cards. Today I'm planning on a quick shopping trip, post office and I really need a professional to take care of my furnace. I'm also hoping to move a little more snow before the deep freeze (down to 9F) arrives on Saturday. My hen is looking a little perkier in her comb, but she dropped more feathers last night. We're supposed to get a warm up next week and I'm hoping she is well enough to go back to the coop by then. We might get another inch or two of snow tomorrow afternoon. That should brighten up what's on the ground now. And @WthrLady these past few years I've noticed that the glisten turns into outright shiny. LOL! Have a great day everyone.

Have you tried giving the hen some extra protein? She might benefit from some scrambled or hard boiled egg, a little cooked ground meat or even some bugs. From what I understand protein is supposed to help regrow their feathers and the feed might not be enough for this particular girl.
Sunny and clear and 57 degrees all day, until 430pm. We started at 31, and I headed out at 9 am to feed the animals and rip the lower, 50 sq ft roof off the coop. It's had a leak forever and the roof was looking saggy, which I didn't want under a Spring snow load. So I started ripping of shingles, and trim. Found what I THINK was the leak. Fixed it ( I HOPE), and then spent the whole rest of the day, until 4 installing a new Steel roof.

OMG. I am so beat up. Up and down, and up and down multiple ladders to get up all the level to the roof. Then bending weird. THEN lifting and hauling and slipping A LOT, dang those steel roofs are slippery. Then all the clean up and looking for dropped roofing nails, and then feeding the boogers again.

Hens got to play outside for 7 solid hours. Yes, that took me 7 hours. UGH. I am SO sore. SO sore. The girls should sleep well tonight.

Lordy, you should see my to do list from this week. (I'll post it tomorrow.) It makes DH sleepy just looking at it!

Here's hoping that I got the leak.
Baker creek seek catalog came today. I know what I'm doing tonight. (besides ordering the new floor for the lower level bathroom.)

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