What did you do in the garden today?

planning on moving the stone from the lower driveway to the shed tomorrow. I really want to get that project done. Just remembered I want to move the peony bulbs from the front stone bed (gone) to the flag pole area. I LOVE my peonies. Doubles and hot pink.

That's my main project tomorrow. (well, and paying bills) While I have the noisy tractor going the hens can be out playing.

Wednesday I probably work on getting the home office put back together. DS comes home next week for holiday break and I suppose he'll want HIS room back.... LOL. it's currently filled with home office.
The only thing I did today that is even remotely garden related is that I dropped off another pumpkin to my friend. They are starting to go bad and I don't think I will be able to get to the last 8 to 10 of them. :hitI brought 1 inside and cut it open to see what it looks like. It has apparently frozen solid and then thawed. I know I can throw it out for the chickens to eat but I don't think I should try to can any of it to save for later for them. Does anyone here have any experience with frozen and thawed pumpkins still in their natural form? I put some of the venison in the freezer to save to grind up later. My wriste hurt too much today to work on it. :oops:
The only thing I did today that is even remotely garden related is that I dropped off another pumpkin to my friend. They are starting to go bad and I don't think I will be able to get to the last 8 to 10 of them. :hitI brought 1 inside and cut it open to see what it looks like. It has apparently frozen solid and then thawed. I know I can throw it out for the chickens to eat but I don't think I should try to can any of it to save for later for them. Does anyone here have any experience with frozen and thawed pumpkins still in their natural form? I put some of the venison in the freezer to save to grind up later. My wriste hurt too much today to work on it. :oops:
We are down to our last pumpkin from the garden. I think I will give it to the chickens today because I doubt it will last much longer. I was hoping to keep it around till Thanksgiving to use as a decoration, but don't think it's going to last that long. Would rather see the ladies get a nice treat while it's still good. We also have a winter squash from the garden that I need to cook up for dinner soon, as well.

I realized last night that we need to change the "closing time" on our automatic chicken door. It is set for 5:15, but last night I noticed that is was pretty dark out by that time. Just a few weeks ago, at 5:15 it was only starting to get slightly dark out. Really need to keep an eye on that!
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I LOVE my peonies

peonies are beautiful!!!

In my last home I had tree peonies. They are a bush with a woody stem and make huge flowers with tons of fragrance. The petals are big and crinkly (at least the two I had), so they looked like crepe paper flowers. And they were not overrun with ants like typical peonies. I’ve not determined a great place for them at my current home, so haven’t purchased any.
Just remembered that there was a pumpkin on the front porch. (thanks for the reminder) It's been frozen and thawed and frozen and thawed. It LOOKED totally fine. AHHHHHH. until I picked it up. It was basically a giant yellow water balloon. I have no idea how it didn't explode when I picked it up. I managed to waddle it down the walk, across the lawn and across the driveway to toss it into the lawn. IT STILL didn't blow! It rolled like an boneless alien blob down the hill! ((SNORT))

And there it sits.
Are you going to leave it there :frowjust popped in here :lau still raining here no garden today the Son is in Chehalis had a impacted wisdom tooth they are removing it 7:30 this morning called me to find him had opening for this morning he is not great morning person :fl
peonies are beautiful!!!

In my last home I had tree peonies. They are a bush with a woody stem and make huge flowers with tons of fragrance. The petals are big and crinkly (at least the two I had), so they looked like crepe paper flowers. And they were not overrun with ants like typical peonies. I’ve not determined a great place for them at my current home, so haven’t purchased any.
Yes, peonies are wonderful. We have two different kinds here, one came with the house, and one I bought years ago. The flowers are so BIG and BEAUTIFUL, and they smell heavenly. Another plus is that they live for years and years. Such a great addition to the landscape!
Note - mine DO have ants, though... :oops:

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