What did you do in the garden today?

Gardening: I ordered some seeds. Sandhill preservation is having a November sale- buy one pack, they throw in an additional pack (their choice) from same category. So, buy tomato seed pack and they will throw in a tomato seed pack. Last year got a free pepper seed pack that everyone got as a donation from a person. That pepper variety was very productive and large- great fresh, great grilled or sautéed! Another free pack of cherry tomato seeds that grew well. So, I figured that I could try out some new selections. And, they tend to overfill packs of seeds, so that is an added bonus. We liked nearly all seeds we got from them last year.

Home improvements - centered around closets atm. All of them needed to be painted white and re-shelved. We busted through the wall to more than double the MB closet. There were 2 walk-ins that were back to side, but now make one nice MB closet! That left the other bedroom without a closet, so we built a new walK-in in the unused area by the door - much better layout for that room!

The most recent closet was the other bedroom- it was 3.5’deep and 8’ wide (nearly the size of a sheet of plywood). There were narrow shelves all across the back, but could hardly reach through the clothes hanging in front, not to mention the sliding door only allowed access to 2’ of the closet at a time. Then there were the 2’ deep shelves above stained a very dark wood color and made of wood (not plywood), so were sagging bc of the 8’ length unsupported. One exposed lightbulb in the ceiling. Now, the closet walls, shelves and floor are white! Sliders removed and double doors installed! LED light in the ceiling! It’s only a closet, but such an improvement! That bedroom was green...walls and carpet, but we put light colored wood-look vinyl on the floor and painted the walls in a white that is in a high reflective paint base (Sherwin Williams), which nicely brightens the room.

One more bedroom to go! It sits next to above mentioned room. It is small but useable. We go back and forth between knocking down the wall and making one big room or just leaving it as it’s own room. Benefits to both and there is an office between 2 of the bedrooms we could convert to a bedroom if we made those two a single room. Office stays an office otherwise, changing occupancy of the home (4bdrm to 5bdrm) is a big deal I think bc of taxes and septic system size, so we will keep to a 4bdrm home.

2 hall closets to clean, re-floor, paint, etc, but they are small. One pantry closet to build!
Good morning gardeners and Happy Veterans Day to my fellow veterans. Thank you all for your service. I'm enjoying these milder temps for another day and a half. Tomorrow, rainy morning turning to snow then sub-freezing cold for a few days. I dug my dahlia tubers up and planted most of my daffodils yesterday. The remaining daffodils are going on the same slope where I planted the winter heath. I finally remembered to charge my cordless drill so I can add some ventilation holes in the chicken coop. Just when I was sure the backyard leaves were under control, my smaller oak tree is letting loose along with my maple tree holdout. I'm hoping the wind takes care of that. Nothing much else going on except my poinsettias are getting their blooming on track. All of mine are developing blooms now so they should be quite lovely in the next few weeks. Here's a shot of my dahlia tubers. They are pretty small, however I only had what I thought were 6 plants, but I got all these little gems. I hope they make it to planting next Spring. I was curious @chickmom3941, how did your tubers look? Have a great day everyone.
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Thanks for asking, WFS. Unfortunately we must have left our dahlia tubers in the ground too long. After Hubs dug them out I thought they were good at first cause they felt firm and were a nice size, but I think they were just frozen. After they were inside for awhile I felt them again and they were pretty soft. :( Good thing they're not very expensive - guess I'll have to buy some more next spring.
Hi everyone! I just finished working my 3-day work week, and now I'm starting the 4-day "weekend" - yay! There's so many posts that I missed, so I just read through all of them. Wish I could comment on many of them, but it would take too much space.
After being well below average for several weeks, this week our weather is going to be nice, in the 40's. Unfortunately, there's no crops left after all the freezing temps we had earlier this fall.
We are also hoping to do some home improvements over the winter, like some of you are. The main things we want to do are putting new carpet in the living room and Hub's office, and we also want to put fake stone around and above our electric fireplace, so that it actually looks like a real stone fireplace. And then we want to hang our TV up above the fireplace. We may forego a lot of our Christmas presents to each other, and just let the improvements be our main gift. Home improvements are so expensive!
Made it to 68 degrees today, but the winds were howling in the 20s and gusting to 41.

Six hours on the tractor to move all the concrete curbing to the run in shelter. And all the stone. THAT I had to move to the barn driveway. I need to put weed barrier around the shed before I put the stone down there. So tomorrow.

THe honeybees were out today. One took offense to the running tractor and stung me on the next. The goober.

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