What did you do in the garden today?

I’d much rather talk about gardening & chickens. Could be because I spent the day with my mom at the doctors. A true outer-body experience.
(Shakin’ my head)
We actually talk about the same things, and I'm not that old 43, but I love and respect my elders, beautiful thing the older folks , love them and their stories, I'd rather listen to them any day than watch tv or play on my phone. They are a rare dying breed, so much they have been through and witnessed, decades of change, decades of wisdom and knowledge .
Lol, old folks home thread isn't like that, just a bunch of us talking about everyday life and gardening and chickens, and we all aren't super old lol. But I do love old people.
My FIL is 81, MIL much younger, my dads age 65ish. He's my go to guy for gardening, knows everything . And he has the most beautiful gardens with a S. Grows the darn best onions I've ever seen. I thought mine was doing good till I was just up to his house the other day and saw his.... Monsters!!!! What the heck is he doing right and I'm doing wrong??? He can't grow tomatoes worth a crap though so I give him plenty (we only live a mile from each other) he lives on top of a hill and us in a valley but I don't think its that.
I was telling him I was weeding around some weeds I really liked in my garden and leaving them, never knew what they were before but they were really good yummy and really good for you, couldn't remember the name. Everyone else there laughed and picked on me cause I said I read about them on Facebook Lol. I tried to explain what they looked like and he said "Purslane".... Yeah! That's it! He knew more about it than I did, or anybody else there :lol:
We actually talk about the same things, and I'm not that old 43, but I love and respect my elders, beautiful thing the older folks , love them and their stories, I'd rather listen to them any day than watch tv or play on my phone. They are a rare dying breed, so much they have been through and witnessed, decades of change, decades of wisdom and knowledge .
Lol, old folks home thread isn't like that, just a bunch of us talking about everyday life and gardening and chickens, and we all aren't super old lol. But I do love old people.
My FIL is 81, MIL much younger, my dads age 65ish. He's my go to guy for gardening, knows everything . And he has the most beautiful gardens with a S. Grows the darn best onions I've ever seen. I thought mine was doing good till I was just up to his house the other day and saw his.... Monsters!!!! What the heck is he doing right and I'm doing wrong??? He can't grow tomatoes worth a crap though so I give him plenty (we only live a mile from each other) he lives on top of a hill and us in a valley but I don't think its that.
I was telling him I was weeding around some weeds I really liked in my garden and leaving them, never knew what they were before but they were really good yummy and really good for you, couldn't remember the name. Everyone else there laughed and picked on me cause I said I read about them on Facebook Lol. I tried to explain what they looked like and he said "Purslane".... Yeah! That's it! He knew more about it than I did, or anybody else there :lol:
That’s the way it should be.
I’m a firm believer that 60 is the new 40. I poke fun at be old-er. What I would give to have someone close to me that not only loves gardening but has wisdom too. Wonderful blessing. :thumbsup
That’s the way it should be.
I’m a firm believer that 60 is the new 40. I poke fun at be old-er. What I would give to have someone close to me that not only loves gardening but has wisdom too. Wonderful blessing. :thumbsup
I would too! I moved to Illinios 15 yrs ago from Tennessee
I have no one that is like minded! I try to encourage the few people I know to start gardening. They say their too busy for stuff like that I just can't imagine not having my garden and my 14 girls!
I started cleaning the coop this afternoon, deep litter! What a JOB! I didn't get it all done. I work on it till 10:30pm! I need to go back out and do some more, but when the light is on, the girls think it's time to eat or play! Impossible to work with them in there.
I have the most beautiful deep litter! It'll do my garden so much good! This is my 2nd year with hens, I had no idea that under all that stinky straw I would find the best fertilizer I've ever seen! Does anyone else use the deep litter method with their chickens?
I would too! I moved to Illinios 15 yrs ago from Tennessee
I have no one that is like minded! I try to encourage the few people I know to start gardening. They say their too busy for stuff like that I just can't imagine not having my garden and my 14 girls!
Yep ... I hear “but it’s so much work!” I love being outside it’s a labor of love. The chickens are my little garden buddies.
I started cleaning the coop this afternoon, deep litter! What a JOB! I didn't get it all done. I work on it till 10:30pm! I need to go back out and do some more, but when the light is on, the girls think it's time to eat or play! Impossible to work with them in there.
I have the most beautiful deep litter! It'll do my garden so much good! This is my 2nd year with hens, I had no idea that under all that stinky straw I would find the best fertilizer I've ever seen! Does anyone else use the deep litter method with their chickens?
I do in winter.
Chicken poo is the best fertilizer. I have a awesome tumbler/composter it never really took off until I started adding chick-poo.
Be careful if you ever make poop soup. I applied too much last year thought I killed my strawberries and grapes.
I retired on a Monday. Had back surgery next day on Tuesday first day of retirement 2016.

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