What did you do in the garden today?

I keep sting stop/ stop the sting in the house. We used it on jellyfish stings when i worked on the beach in Florida. If that tells you how strong and how well it works.
I forgot to add a mash of plantain leaves poultice as in the ground weed works great for bee stings .
I thought peeing on a jellyfish sting is what you have to do? Saw it on a episode of Seinfeld...lol.
Yes, looks like Lemon Cucumbers. We always plant these - very nice tasting - wash and throw into lunchbox for a nice crunchy add to lunch! The darker the outside gets, the thicker the skin. We had a few hidden ones last year that were dark gold (almost orange) in color when we found them amongst the vines. Not bitter, just tough skin. So pick when a light yellow to a nice lemon yellow color.

We have three lemon cucumber vines and they are very vigorous, but not producing much that I can see as of yet - lots of blooms though.
Last year they had golden cucumbers at the farmers market. They are wonderful. If picked young leave them in the window sill till slightly soft then refrigerate before eating. Loved loved loved them
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I don’t peel. They either get cooked on the top of the stove or oven roasted. Oven roasted has a sweeter flavor. After they’ve cooked I send them through the food mill. If the sauce is too thin I cook them down some more then I can the sauce.
:thumbsup Roasted whole then pressed into baggies and frozen. As close as I come to canning.
I put regular white vinegar on the stings and took 2 benadryl. The vinegar really does take the burn out of the sting.
Since I am not allergic but wanted to be cautious with so many stings I took the benadryl.

Getting a facial let alone nose sting when small omg! That had to be awful.
Getting stung while on the roof! :eek: Nowhere to run but way to many edges to fall off of!

sure we are not related was taught to use vinegar on them also
Old folks? :old
They have their own thread?
Boy what next :lau

Lot's of old fogies are in there

My pot full of snapdragons is starting to bloom.
My tomatoes are just stunted. Lots of blossoms tho.
Something ate my Marionberrys. I had eight beautiful clusters. I couldn’t get to the garden on Sunday they are all gone :hit
Had lots of reading to do to catch up.
It’s after 9:00pm and I’m still watering. Been one of those weekends. Have a great day tomorrow Gardeners.
Be cool :cool:

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