What did you do in the garden today?

Have to keep the stalk areas out to limit the bitter, not quite like store bought. I don't do good with lettuce here, only couple varieties are standby. I've grown quite a few, got a few fancy ones from baker creek last yr they were o.k.
My favorite and not as good or crisp or mild as store bought but grows good always can use is black seeded simpson, loose leaf. Never had it bolt either, just pick what I want when I want it. One planting in the spring and one a little later will last us all summer selectively picking leaves.
Nice ... :thumbsup
I managed over the last week to be stung a total of 12 times by the now gone to wasp heaven European Paper Wasps. :mad:
Those buggers have a very bad attitude and very painful sting.
OOCH! What did you put on the stings?
I was stung right on the nose once when I was 3 or 4? Nose swelled up painfully. My parents were renting a house back then that dad took care of a barn full of heifers for the rent, I'll never forget walking into that barn and all those 'cows' staring at me, was so embarrassed it was a pretty traumatic experience, little did I know at the time cows stare at you no matter what :lol:.
I a few yrs ago was stung mowing the lawn by ground wasps, and then climbed onto our 2nd story roof to replace a dusk to dawn bulb and was stung a few more times by paper wasps in the light fixture (nowhere to run on a roof...) Lol.
Edit; was going to add, my grandma would always use a poultice of mashed plantain leaves for bee stings, I always forget about it. Have plenty growing every around us, does help. Plantain leaves as in the ground weed.
Looks like squash . Any clue to what type of squash or pumpkin you grew or threw into to composte bin ?

Spaghetti squash is the most likely. Now I just need to figure out when it is able to be picked![/QUOTE]
I eat allot of spaghetti squash. Don’t think that’s one ... look like a type of Hubbard to me. Either way delicious :cool:
OOCH! What did you put on the stings?
I was stung right on the nose once when I was 3 or 4? Nose swelled up painfully. My parents were renting a house back then that dad took care of a barn full of heifers for the rent, I'll never forget walking into that barn and all those 'cows' staring at me, was so embarrassed it was a pretty traumatic experience, little did I know at the time cows stare at you no matter what :lol:.
I a few yrs ago was stung mowing the lawn by ground wasps, and then climbed onto our 2nd story roof to replace a dusk to dawn bulb and was stung a few more times by paper wasps in the light fixture (nowhere to run on a roof...) Lol.

I put regular white vinegar on the stings and took 2 benadryl. The vinegar really does take the burn out of the sting.
Since I am not allergic but wanted to be cautious with so many stings I took the benadryl.

Getting a facial let alone nose sting when small omg! That had to be awful.
Getting stung while on the roof! :eek: Nowhere to run but way to many edges to fall off of!

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