What did you do in the garden today?

I started one last year but didn't realize that it would take 2 years before they would grow a pineapple!! I tried to build a mini green house around it to get it to survive a Missouri winter, but the winds tore it down and the poor thing froze to death.:he
This is my first year really trying it. My sisters had one when I was about 4. That really sucks.
I started one last year but didn't realize that it would take 2 years before they would grow a pineapple!! I tried to build a mini green house around it to get it to survive a Missouri winter, but the winds tore it down and the poor thing froze to death.:he
Try it again this year, but container grow it. When cold arrives,,,, take indoors until spring.:thumbsup
not a good day for me had to cull my chickens last night ,thankyou cavemanrich for your reply on randomramblings ,they had internal problems ,soft shell eggs full of blood among other things ,they deteriorated sat night didn,t perk up at all sun so made the decision not easy I wont have any more feeling to old to start again ,concentrating on getting my garden back into shape .at least the plot they were on is well manured .my beans are finally growing ,beetroot and courgettes shooting up tomatoes not so well ,we need some more sun will write later going to finish taking the coop down now
Good morning gardeners. We finally got a line of thunderstorms that rolled through yesterday evening and last night of course. The rain was so loud it kept me awake. But the garden got a good watering. I got the backyard mowed yesterday. It was a bit of a struggle because the humidity was so high. I still need to do the trim work. I don't plan on doing much in the garden today. Mondays are for laundry and shopping. I've determined a good spot to plant my mini daffodils. They're still in the pot and a couple are still blooming but they need to into the ground very soon. My clematis is in full bloom and the rose bush in the front yard is getting buds on it. My orange azalea has been blooming for a week now. Once that is finished I can start pruning the shrubs. Sorry about your chickens @skwarksy. Have a great day everyone.
Have used root tone but no not aloe @dan26552 Morning all out to do banking early month shopping
Aloe works really well, I stumbled on it on YouTube and thought it was worth a try anyway. So this winter I took rosemary cuttings, I’ve been trying for about 3 years and I’ve never had any luck with them but I dipped them right into the aloe leaf and then into the dirt, I had over 50 of those suckers take! :th

After I thought about it it made a lot of sense and I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of that before. Skies have regenerative, anti bacterial and anti fungal properties, that’s why it’s so commonly used on burns and cuts. (Also good for bug bites) it’s pretty much a perfect rooting hormone.
Not much done in the garden today other than reinforcing my new border wall, between the chicken run and garden that is. I have two fenced garden areas along side the chicken run and am now growing cucumbers up the bullwire fencing that separates them. I've had to create another barrier so they can't peck on the vines. Oh yeah, I picked most of the remaining lettuce out there this morning. The furnace has been turned up causing it to get a bit bitter.
The furnace has been turned up causing it to get a bit bitter.
Had no IDEA the summer heat would affect the bitterness of lettuce:idunno. In my zone,,,, no one is eating garden lettuce yet, unless they had it
pre-planted in containers indoor, or greenhouse.
Welcome to :welcome, and would be nice if you included your General Location in your profile. This way the peeps would know why your plants are blooming and ours are not:)
At the beginning of April I had daikon, radish, turnip, green bean, snow pea and 4 varieties of tomatoes sprouted. I went on a trip and came back at the end of April to find that my house sitter had managed to kill everything but 2 out of 10 tomato plants. *sigh*

I replanted, and now have zucchini, kabocha, green beans, yard long beans, snow peas, daikon, radish, turnips, and carrots all sprouting. I didn't replant the tomatoes, so I won't get my favourites this year, (hssiao his hung shih), but I should have enough pink honey and roma to make a couple batches of marinara sauce. Not enough to last the winter, but some, at least.

This year's harvest will be late, but it will be good, I hope. :)

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