What did you do in the garden today?


Some snaps from the aviary this morning as I watered. The Big Boy tomato plant is blooming and there's a tomato on it too.

I really like the Mexican heather, I'll have to see if the chickens will leave it alone and plant some more if they don't like it.
Nothing done IN the garden today. I needed to drive 90 miles to deliver a spinning wheel. By the time I got home I had just enough time to mow 4 acres before it started raining. phew.

I picked up 3 more wysteria plants for the deck posts, so that each will have a plant.

I'll get those in the ground tomorrow (if it ever stops raining). I also noticed I forgot to start PEPPER plants! How on earth??!?!

Plants are going in the ground this week.

I need to get into the orchard and take care of hail strike branches. I found a one inch leader that was snapped like it was a pencil. No idea if that tree will make it. I'll try.

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