What did you do in the garden today?

Aside from watering, again... when is it ever going to rain aaaggghh!!! I decided to harvest one potato plant early and dug up some baby spuds. They look a little green in that image, but I swear it's just the camera.


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@deepbluesea love the sunflower with the brick in the background. :loveVery pretty.

We had some heavy wind and horizontal rain yesterday afternoon. Hubs did some straightening up last night and I finished this morning. Raked the yard while it was damp, less dust that way. It's very muggy out there, dripping sweat and clothes were soaked. :sick It looks good though :yesss: The straw in the coop yard really helps with moisture retention in the soil. Now that I know what the chickens won't eat, I'm planting bushes in there again that will shade the surrounding walls in summer to reduce heat.

Have a great day everyone :frow

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