What did you do in the garden today?

So, unsurprisingly some of my beds are having more calcium troubles than others.

The bed I built last year is having trouble delivering calcium to the zucchinis in it. The ones in the bed behind it are doing fine, though, as that bed is older and got a major influx of calcium from egg shells planted with tomatoes last year. The older the bed the better the soil over-all... Building soil takes time. This year I'll add calcium to the newest beds to stem off problems next year.

We've been going through our milk like crazy lately, so I'm going to be trying to leech calcium from some of our plentiful eggshells for a foliar spray. I'm going to soak the eggs shells in water with some citric acid and give it a good shake for a few days and then spray it. I'm going to hit the tomatoes too since they are in the same bed.

Today I harvest the black raspberries I netted a few days ago. A lot of them are getting ripe under the netting and I'm pretty happy about it!
Yesterday I got to have one of my favorite foods; Buldak Bokkeum ramen with fresh veggies. I love to chop the french breakfast radishes into these along with some mushrooms and carrots. Yum! It's very spicy food, though.

I always put powdered lime around the drip lines of my zucchini and tomatoes. Usually every other week. Our garden is new because we moved, and the soil is garbage. There has been so much rain so a lot washes away. It's an uphill battle but we're finally getting some fruiting.
That sounds like a good idea. I don't have any irrigation other than a sturdy hose on a hot day. :p But then again, we have a TON of moisture around here. Nearly rain forest levels of precipitation each year, plus the rivers and the lake... I almost never need to water except during the hottest/driest times and when plants are still establishing themselves. I actually use raised beds because my back yard floods and the raised beds lifts the plans out of the spring floods. (Everybody's back yards flood around here. Former swampland.)

LG, I just get my citric acid from the grocery canning section, but I've had one $3 bottle for over 3 years now. Plus it shouldn't take too much to just leech calcium. I have never heard of lemi shine before. I may look into it for the future. I'll keep ya'll updated on how it works out.
Chose a few cherry tomatoes from my best looking vines to save the seeds. Figured now was a good time considering they would be extra juicy from all of the rain we just got. I'm doing the fermentation method because it promised cleaner seeds. So far it's worked like a charm, but he smell of fermented tomato juice is disgusting! Lol!
Gawd, yes! Nasty. It does seem to lead to clean seeds, at least. So many ways to do it. My lemon boys are very productive. And I only got them because I was in full-on garden frenzy mode; didn't start them from seed. They're tasty, will be saving seed, I think. Also, my white eggplant is quite prolific--I'm getting five and six eggplants from each (not very big) plant. Impressed over here.

My nice post office ladies looked and told me that the chicks will likely be here on the first truck tomorrow at 5:45 or so. I'm working from home tomorrow, just to be safe. :) I'm a grant writer and I just had two big old wins, so I'm good. :cool:

Love seeing everyone's pics!
Gawd, yes! Nasty. It does seem to lead to clean seeds, at least. So many ways to do it. My lemon boys are very productive. And I only got them because I was in full-on garden frenzy mode; didn't start them from seed. They're tasty, will be saving seed, I think. Also, my white eggplant is quite prolific--I'm getting five and six eggplants from each (not very big) plant. Impressed over here.

My nice post office ladies looked and told me that the chicks will likely be here on the first truck tomorrow at 5:45 or so. I'm working from home tomorrow, just to be safe. :) I'm a grant writer and I just had two big old wins, so I'm good. :cool:

Love seeing everyone's pics!
Did you pick up your chicks yet? Did they do ok in shipping?
Happy tomatoes!

Just 2 of the 6 cages lol. I decided just to do 6 and stick the other maters where I can tie them to fencing in the smaller cages.

I ran out of room for the big cages.
I was talking with my son in the front yard today and happened to look down at a small bush I transplanted a few months ago. I figured it wasn't going to make it but there's tiny little green leaves all over it. Super happy about that. The foliage turns a sivery hue and it gets tiny purple flowers.
The snake plants are both making babies, but the stone crop...it's not looking so good. I think it's been trampled by the neighborhood bunny. Worst case is I try again in early Spring unless I can find some on clearance soon.
The candytuft is so so. More blooms on the red BOP though, one of my favorites


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