What did you do in the garden today?

Oh man--I hope she ended up being ok! My pup Abe is also under the weather. He's 17, and though pretty much totally blind, a little deaf and slightly dotty, he's been a healthy guy. He hurt his back at the end of last week and so off to the vet we went. Now he's on pain meds and I'm having to carry him outside to go or he just does it wherever.
Oh no, that's misery!
Huh. Here, groundhogs are brazen creatures. Early morning and late afternoon seem to be their favorite time. Have yet to see one this season. as a matter of fact, have only seen several on edge of highway in my travels. Usually, I can count 4 - 5 with every trip I make. Makes me wonder if DOT has put out some birth control feed for them. Wouldn't that be sweet???
I never get up early morning. But hubby does. He has not seen them either. If i see evidence of them this year i have a live trap too.
Sadie past her blockage. :woot I can tell she’s feeling much better today. She’s back to eating. It will be chicken and rice for the next few days to settle her stomach. And of course said she gets chicken and rice all the others must have chicken and rice too. Sometimes I feel like they better than I do. LOL @deepbluesea How is your pup doing?
Everything in the garden coming along well. Should have some yellow squash next week and some kale and spinach and maybe radishes by the end of this week. And I found some zucchini bloomed today. And my pumpkin is starting to climb Desperately need to weed the garden but every time I go to do it it starts raining. And places around here that had finally drained are now starting to flood again
Sadie past her blockage. :woot I can tell she’s feeling much better today. She’s back to eating. It will be chicken and rice for the next few days to settle her stomach. And of course said she gets chicken and rice all the others must have chicken and rice too. Sometimes I feel like they better than I do. LOL @deepbluesea How is your pup doing?

That's fantastic! :yesss: Hug the pup for me. :)

Abe's still not doing great. I took him out twice in the night and he still had an accident on the bed.

Nothing new on the garden front, but at least the rain stopped. I did give one of my nice new coworkers some lemongrass, Thai basil, a bird's eye pepper and a couple of bell peppers after we were talking about how much she liked Thai food. More driveway plants to a good home.
That's fantastic! :yesss: Hug the pup for me. :)

Abe's still not doing great. I took him out twice in the night and he still had an accident on the bed.

Nothing new on the garden front, but at least the rain stopped. I did give one of my nice new coworkers some lemongrass, Thai basil, a bird's eye pepper and a couple of bell peppers after we were talking about how much she liked Thai food. More driveway plants to a good home.
Oh! I love Thai food... My mom has a potted kaffir lime tree in her greenhouse. I might have to raid some leaves. I tried to grow Thai basil once on an apt. porch, but they fried in the sun while we were out of town. Sad!
Oh! I love Thai food... My mom has a potted kaffir lime tree in her greenhouse. I might have to raid some leaves. I tried to grow Thai basil once on an apt. porch, but they fried in the sun while we were out of town. Sad!
That's awesome! My son gave me a kaffir lime tree for mother's day a few years ago, but I left it out too late last fall and it dropped almost all of its leaves. It's making a recovery but it's got a looong way to go.
That's awesome! My son gave me a kaffir lime tree for mother's day a few years ago, but I left it out too late last fall and it dropped almost all of its leaves. It's making a recovery but it's got a looong way to go.
Glad it lived! I've killed so many plants in my life... I tell people that my house is where plants go to die. Lol! That's why I've been trying so hard to learn gardening do's and don'ts over the last couple of years.

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