What did you do in the garden today?

Squash vine borer eggs on my cantaloupe and cucumber plants. Dang! I have about a week to eliminate them. Last year they attacked my delicata squash. I moved all squash to another location, but I'm confident it will be sufficient since they're already laying eggs on other things.
Try dusting them with diatomaceous earth. I just dusted my tomato plants lower leaves to stave off an infestation of flea beetles that I get every year and I have had NONE so far!! The plants that were showing the beginnings of the 'lace' design have not shown any further damage. Here's hoping ....:fl
Try dusting them with diatomaceous earth. I just dusted my tomato plants lower leaves to stave off an infestation of flea beetles that I get every year and I have had NONE so far!! The plants that were showing the beginnings of the 'lace' design have not shown any further damage. Here's hoping ....:fl
I just did a neem oil and DE spray. The stuff won't affect the moths. I'm going to try to remove as many eggs as I can before the next rain, then spray again. Luckily, the eggs come up pretty easily with a little sticky tape.
Well, we got the garden in and mostly mulched, including 6-8' stakes for the san marzano tomatoes. But The Groundhog came back and chewed up some of the plants, especially the cauliflower and the peppers. We're not up and active early enough to stop her it seems and the scarecrow we put up isn't a big help so far. (It's not a very good scarecrow to be fair).
We already have a fence around the yard but the hog just digs under. The dog isn't keeping her away either. I'm considering a pepper spray for the plants. A good soak in cayenne might stop the marauding.

Anyone got any good groundhog proofing suggestions?
Hot wires. I also heard hardware cloth in an L shape at the top of the fence so they can't climb over.
Huh. Here, groundhogs are brazen creatures. Early morning and late afternoon seem to be their favorite time. Have yet to see one this season. as a matter of fact, have only seen several on edge of highway in my travels. Usually, I can count 4 - 5 with every trip I make. Makes me wonder if DOT has put out some birth control feed for them. Wouldn't that be sweet???

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