What did you do in the garden today?

Does anyone know how to start new sweet potato plants? They are cheap now so i thought i might store some in the root cellar for spring.
About a month ago I put the top of one in a bowl of water on the kitchen sill. The growth is crazy. Cut slips off the growth and put them in a vase they’ve all rooted. I know it’s too early and it was done more as an experiment on my part. They just might make it to spring and the green in the window sill is nice. They do go through the water.
Doing Christmas decorating today. Hopefully, will put up both artificial trees and put out other decorations, as well. Still want to do some outside decorating if I can manage it all, but I don't accomplish things as fast as I used to with all my aches and pains (maybe I can get it all done before Christmas - heh heh).
Planted 20 wild Chickasaw / sand plum trees . Seedlings I grew in the garden . Now a wildlife planting . I will pick some for myself but mostly for wildlife .

We planted sand plums in Texas for Lesser Prairie Chickens and other wildlife. Here in Ohio I've planted Chokecherries and Gray Dogwoods along the forest edge for the birds. We see the occasional grouse and a lot of migrant warblers, vireos and thrushes eating them in the fall.
Does anyone know how to start new sweet potato plants? They are cheap now so i thought i might store some in the root cellar for spring.


We have used this method for years and it works great! All you need are some mason jars, toothpicks and sweet potatoes.

Planted 20 wild Chickasaw / sand plum trees . Seedlings I grew in the garden . Now a wildlife planting . I will pick some for myself but mostly for wildlife .
I've been looking at sand plums and sand cherries.....someday soon i,'ll plant them . And Rosa regosa along property line. It's the only rose that thrives on neglect.

The three mulberries need pruning....can u suggest a tutorial?? And a tutorial to start a few of the pruned branches.
I've been looking at sand plums and sand cherries.....someday soon i,'ll plant them . And Rosa regosa along property line. It's the only rose that thrives on neglect.

The three mulberries need pruning....can u suggest a tutorial?? And a tutorial to start a few of the pruned branches.[/QUOTE

I have no luck starting branches .

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