What did you do in the garden today?

What kind of spring bulbs are you planting? I love all the spring flowers!

About five years ago, I planted daffodils and tulips here. None of the daffodils came up, but the tulips come up faithfully every spring. I miss having daffodils, though. If I would have been thinking this fall, I would have planted some. It's too late now, though, the ground is probably frozen.
I planted Crocuses and Daffodils. I have 2 more types of Daffodils and Tulips left to plant.
I have 10 hyacinth bulbs sitting on my kitchen table. Also, some daffodil bulbs that got pulled out of my last ripping and tearing mission that need to be replanted.

Did you know that Narcissus, (and I assume Daffodils) are reputed to deter voles from the garden and orchard? I have Daffodils and garlic planted around all of my trees.
I despise Deviled eggs :sick ... the smell , sight and even thought of them makes me ill ! NOT allowed to be made or brought into my house ! I'd rather run naked across the frozen tundra then look at one ! Matter of fact I may never come back to this site because the topic was brought up !!!!!!!!
IMHO a waste of a perfectly good egg

72 eggs gone in less than 10 minutes! They were eating 'em like popcorn. :drool
I despise Deviled eggs :sick ... the smell , sight and even thought of them makes me ill ! NOT allowed to be made or brought into my house ! I'd rather run naked across the frozen tundra then look at one ! Matter of fact I may never come back to this site because the topic was brought up !!!!!!!!

IMHO a waste of a perfectly good egg
Hubs is CRAZY about deviled eggs! I like them too, but not as much as he does. He always wants them for every special occasion (and even when it's not a special occasion)!

P.S. - please come back, I won't mention them again...lol
I have 10 hyacinth bulbs sitting on my kitchen table. Also, some daffodil bulbs that got pulled out of my last ripping and tearing mission that need to be replanted.

Did you know that Narcissus, (and I assume Daffodils) are reputed to deter voles from the garden and orchard? I have Daffodils and garlic planted around all of my trees.
Of all the bulbs that survive moles/gophers here, daffodils and iris do great. Tulips are eaten like candy.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Just getting the timing part of dinner planned out. Three families from three different directions converging at a not to specific time makes it a challenge but we all seem to manage.

Opening garden up to chickens again. Thought maybe they were laying eggs out in the vast wilderness of the garden but apparently they have just quit laying altogether so they may as well make themselves useful weed eating.
I also even add a bit of red pepper flakes or dijon mustard anything to spice them up but the three of us will even fight over them :wee:frow

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