What did you do in the garden today?

Alright folks! I will be putting up my fence soon and need to see some ideas. We have problems with all the pests around here -- Deer, Rabbits, Groundhogs, Raccoons (with the corn) etc. So most cost efficient and pest resistant would be great. Thanks!
Mulch time in my garden. Just mulched the okra. Got my watermelon bed filled.
my peas are getting there.
We saw a couple ripe blackberries and decided to pick all we could that are ripe now.
We have several blackberry patches that are wild and we just pick and enjoy.

Wow your season is way ahead of mine . Blackberries have not even bloomed here . Low growing like that we call dewberries . Earlier than the tall upright blackberries by about 2weeks .
Quote: Thanks Jerry. Some are as big as your thumb and others are tiny. If any were closer I could water them. lol But way out in the pasture there's no way.
I appreciate your helpful input on the dewberries. I think we might have both because some are upright and free standing bushes also.

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