What did you do in the garden today?

I think they are slow to get going. they spend their time working on their root system before investing in top growth. You do know that you should not harvest any thing this year, and perhaps not even next year? Asparagus is a very heavy feeder, and needs to be well established before you start harvesting. I speak without much authority, as I've never been able to keep an asparagus bed going well.

But, hope springs eternal. I started some from seed this year, hoping that perhaps I might have better luck with seedlings.
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How long does it normally take asparagus crowns to pop up? I planted mine about 3 weeks ago and nothing so far

I planted my Asparagus 3 seasons ago. and this year I will start harvesting them, the longer you wait before you start harvesting it, the better the roots will take, and give you years of good eating. don't get impatient.
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I think they are slow to get going.  they spend their time working on their root system before investing in top growth.  You do know that you should not harvest any thing this year, and perhaps not even next year?  Asparagus is a very heavy feeder, and needs to be well established before you start harvesting.  I speak without much authority, as I've never been able to keep an asparagus bed going well.

But, hope springs eternal.  I started some from seed this year, hoping that perhaps I might have better luck with seedlings.

Yeah I'm aware of the wait to first harvest. I'm just not seeing anything pop through the ground. Worst case, I'll leave them for a year! They had some mildew on them from sitting damp in plastic, so I'm concerned I may have killed the crowns before planting time! Live and learn!
You're welcome. Started filling beds for watermelon today. I have all kinds of stuff coming up. My sweet peas are blooming. I hope to get the garden planted before I start to harvest.

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