What did you do in the garden today?


Harvesting the last of the goodies and prepping for spring.
Took down the electric fencing, and the deer netting. Getting a hard frost tonight. I pulled out the rosemary plants that were layered by burying an old overgrown leggy plant in the garden. Got 5 nice little plants out of it. Hope they do well, and put on some growth, instead of dying. Chickens and I will go into the garden and work together to finish harvesting the root crops, mint, and lemon balm next week. Harvested pumpkins and squash today.
I haven't yet planted rose bushes in the middle of my lawn. Just saying... I do the digging where the digging is easy. If it happens to be in the middle of my lawn, so be it! Here in New England, beggars can't be choosers when it comes time to make a hole. Our soil, if it can be called that is very bony... that's before any bones even get added to it! Thankfully, the guy who lives across from me... the one who sits out on his front porch, (most likely for the amusement of seeing what I'm doing in my yard) is even more red neck than I am. Thankfully, he's pretty harmless.

I put plants just about anywhere. We have some roses planted at random places in our yard.

It gives our yard character....

Haven't tended the greenhouse in a month or so. Finnally took a look yesterday and was rewarded for my neglect with some goodies. Also a few squash

Looks good!
Do you use it during the winter?

And also, do you grow any flowers?

I have just put together a small greenhouse but I haven't covered it yet.
Looks good!
Do you use it during the winter?

And also, do you grow any flowers?

I have just put together a small greenhouse but I haven't covered it yet.

I don't use it in the winter ( yet ) but I'm in there as late as mid November and as early as February (planting season outdoors here is late May-early September) it sure adds to my season, its 16x40 (I picked up 2, 20x40 frames I've yet to put up this year, so excited). I do grow some flowers in there mainly to attract pollinators, I do a few planters with evening sented stock, hanging baskets with mixed annuals, and I've had marigold, nasturtium, sun flowers a few times, and the petunias my 3 year old insists on having :)
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Just harvested the last of my beefsteak tomatoes. I'll let the girls roam around under them for a few weeks, nice place to hang out during the day. Most of my figs have ripened up and we've gobbled them up. I hope our northeast indian summer ripens the rest of them as I need a few more pounds to make fig jam this year.

Wow, homemade fig jam sounds delicious. My fig trees didn't do well this year.

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