What could this be??

Yard Farmer

🇺🇸 John 8:36 🇺🇸
Premium Feather Member
Jan 5, 2022
The Wild West!
Does anyone know how to treat this?
I think it was an injury that got infected, but I don't know how or, when it could've happened.
I've been treating him for 2 maybe 3 weeks and its still not looking great.

I cleaned it everyday; I used a disinfectant, and a disinfectant cream.
I've also been adding garlic, and VetRX in his water.

Any ideas??
Thank you.

It could be a type of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma, or an ingrown feather cyst. Probing it with a sterilized needle to see if there is a feather or pus inside or if it bleeds, may give some clues. A vet can help. If it is a cancer it could be slow growing, but this is a common area of the body for that type of of squamous cell cancer. There is a picture in the article:
Hello! I would do a warm compress on that wound too loosen the scab and debris and get that infection out, it will be cheese like. Compress should be warm, not hot. Maybe just one corner of it.
Have you had any luck with these treatments? I hope you got a hold of it.
Sadly, he didn't make it.

He started to heal up after I did what the others said above, and it started to heal, but we had a cold front come through that did him in..

I just want to say, I'm very grateful for all those who chimed in to help out my little cockerel.
A huge thanks to you!! :D

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