What color and/or pattern would most likely result from crossing an MF D'uccle with a white Silkie?


Sep 20, 2019
I recently hatched a D'uccle egg and I'm 90% sure the father is one of my white silkie roos. The chick is white with tiny black splotches, pink skin all over, four toes, feathered feet and legs, what appears to be a straight comb, muffs and a possible beard, and no vault. I know the mottling gene is recessive, so I'm curious what these little black spots might turn out to be. anyone have experience with this cross or have any guesses? Thanks :)
Sounds like your Silkie rooster is dominant white instead of recessive white as is typical of the breed. The chick is white with black spots because dominant white lets a few flecks of black color through when only one copy is present. Most likely as the chick grows and feathers in, it will also get red or gold color leakage from the Mille Fleur parent's side, as dominant white doesn't cover red or gold colors from showing like it will with black colors.

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