What Breed Was He?

Mrs Beers

7 Years
Jun 21, 2012
Just out of curiosity's sake (since Frank is no longer with us), does anyone know what breed our first tom was?

My guess would be a Royal Palm or mix but I am new to this I only have Red Bourbons.
Here is a picture of a Royal Palm that close to what you had they vary in color at least the picture was labeled as a Royal Palm.
Most Royal Palms have more white in there feathers.

OK I was Wrong its a Narragansett

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Both photos are of Narragansetts. Royal Palms do not vary in color that much. They are always white with black lacing, or more rarely blue lacing, which is unrecognized.
Thanks, everyone! :) I was sad when things didn't work out for him to breed (fox got his mate!) and reproduce that beauty! However, I am hopeful for a breeding pair out of our 4 bronze poults :)

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