What are your thoughts on Greenfire Farms?



Master of the 'never give up' attitude
Jan 19, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
I've heard good and bad about them.
Recently, I have been seeing a lot of ads for chicks and birds labelled 'from Greenfire Farms stock'
I personally feel that GF has a lot of fake breeds but they do have quality.
What do y'all think? Would it be worth the money to buy any breeds from them? If so, what breeds?

Cyprus :frow
I've heard good and bad about them.
Recently, I have been seeing a lot of ads for chicks and birds labelled 'from Greenfire Farms stock'
I personally feel that GF has a lot of fake breeds but they do have quality.
What do y'all think? Would it be worth the money to buy any breeds from them? If so, what breeds?

Cyprus :frow

I have only looked at their breeds a few times. I have not used them because I can find good laying breeds for less which is my main purpose. Too pricey. You are chicken obsessed! Haha! Site motto if looking. :):frow:gigI just saw a rehoming post or someone trying to sell there 55 Flower Hens one of Greenfire Farms Breeds. I respect their right to raise rare breeds but when it all comes down to it everyone is fed the same. Can’t validate the expense. I think they are scalping the consumer a tad.
It was me selling the 55 Flowerys! I hatched them for a friend who won one of GFF's E-Bay auctions. They weren't able to take them after they hatched and I'm not really interested in keeping them. They're pretty birds, just not my thing. I think they won the auction for $22, and shipping was $15. The listing was for 10-55 Flowery Eggs, she sent 12. I incubated 7 of them for her, they all hatched so that works out to be about $5.30 per chick. Which is pretty reasonable as far as hatching eggs or chicks go.
My personal opinion is that they don't have fake breeds but breeds that have previously not existed in the states.
I have not purchased from them (too rich for my blood) but feel they provide a valuable service for those not willing to go through the time, expense, research and travel necessary to bring in a breed not formerly in the US.
I have a desire to bring in a few breeds, one from Peru and a couple from Spain but I don't have the time or money to do so now. It isn't as simple as asking someone to ship eggs or chicks from another country, except perhaps Canada and that still requires a lot of work and expense on the part of the seller.
They don’t have fake breeds they have breeds that are imported from abroad and hence aren’t in the American Standard of Perfection.

Some breeds, like Cochins, Wyandottes, Polish, Sussexes, that they offer I see no need for the backyard chicken hobbyist to purchase as most want egg layers and pets. Others like the Deathlayer, Barbeziuex, Altsteirer, Isbars, and Vorwerks are breeds that people would collect. I personally would love to buy some birds from them in the near future.
Perhaps I am mistaken.
To me the 'fake' breeds are the ones with names that sound too ridiculous to be real. Almost like a hybrid.
For example the Deathlayer.
Doesn't sound like a real breed; sounds like a hybrid.
It’s a German breed and Deathlayer is the English translation.
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