What are you knitting right now?

I'd say its a good bargain then, but it also does depend on the teacher and how much he/she knows. But that should get you going really well with knit and purl, binding on and off etc..
Just starting a fairly simple lacy shawl in Rowen's Kid Silk Haze. The pattern is from Exquisite Little Knits by Iris Schreier. I haven't done lace before but this doesn't seem to be too difficult. A friend is having a bunch of us from church over Friday night to restart our little knitting club. Our priest's wife is a spinner as well as knitter and I just signed up to do a spinning workshop with her soon. Next I'll be trying to figure out if I can keep a couple of shetland sheep on my very shady 3/4 lot......
You just have to make it round enough to fit over the head and then keep on knitting till its long enough.
I made one on a round knitting loom, with eyelash type yarn, turned out really cute but not WARM!

A google search will bring up a ton - I have some sites bookmarked, but on my other computer.

I've seen some neck warmers that are just knitted flat and joined up with a button or two - those look really nice and a little more fancy!

Oh that would be pretty. I'll see if I can search for one. Thanks for the info.
Baby Surprise Jacket (Elizabeth Zimmerman) in Socks that Rock mediumweight yarn, for a gift for a friend's baby due next month. Then I start the Christmas knitting.
Gah! I cannot get one of the stitches right and put it aside again! I'm bringing it Friday night for help. In the meantime I found enough dark brown wool and a pattern for a simple cabled scarf that I might give to DH for Christmas. I've never knit anything for him before.
Great thread!
I've just finished the back of the Everday Cardigan pattern by Peace Fleece, and finishing up socks for my mom.

Is anyone on Ravelry.com?
Gah! I cannot get one of the stitches right and put it aside again! I'm bringing it Friday night for help. In the meantime I found enough dark brown wool and a pattern for a simple cabled scarf that I might give to DH for Christmas. I've never knit anything for him before.

I'm so afraid to try lace! I so admire that you have!
I am no good a knitting i have a book about it though. I Have a fuzzy shawl(is that word?)the wrap around neck thingy that i started last year and hope to finish this year and maybe a knit cap for DD.
At craft stores like "Michael's" they sell a learn to knit kit. It includes needles, a book that will teach you how to knit. The instructions are very clear. Some come with the yarn, some you just buy a skein to start with for practice. Buy a cheap yarn to start.

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