What are some methods you use for lowering feed cost? Catching crawdads for duck feed?


11 Years
Feb 14, 2013
I'm curious what everyone here does to lower the cost of feed. I have a creek out back and I'm considering buying some minnow and crawdad traps so I can supplement their feed.
I'm also considering setting up a black soldier fly larvae bin.

Also any clue how to make sure they get a balanced diet when making or supplementing store bought feed? Is that something I should be concerned about?
I started farming mealworms and I grow some millet in my garden and I make a homemade quail feed for my coturnix quail. I also take snail shells and after a good wash I crush them super good add them to the mix. I also grow a lot of sunflowers every now and then for my parrots!
Ducks love minnows! Gave them a bunch last year and they gorged themselves on them.

Raising insects is another good way, mealworms are super easy to farm.

If using grains, try fermenting them to release more nutrients thus requiring less feed.

Mine all free-range and forage most of their food, although they get a bit in the morning as well as a treat of cracked corn later in the day. They all look and act fantastic.
Ducks love minnows! Gave them a bunch last year and they gorged themselves on them.

Raising insects is another good way, mealworms are super easy to farm.

If using grains, try fermenting them to release more nutrients thus requiring less feed.

Mine all free-range and forage most of their food, although they get a bit in the morning as well as a treat of cracked corn later in the day. They all look and act fantastic.
My chickens absolutely love dandelions and clovers, that's why I have no more on the mountain side they free range.
Ducks love minnows! Gave them a bunch last year and they gorged themselves on them.

Raising insects is another good way, mealworms are super easy to farm.

If using grains, try fermenting them to release more nutrients thus requiring less feed.

Mine all free-range and forage most of their food, although they get a bit in the morning as well as a treat of cracked corn later in the day. They all look and act fantastic.
I used to ferment the duck and chicken crumble feed by adding leftover whey or sour raw milk to it. I need to start doing that again.

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