Western Montana chicken gal


In the Brooder
Feb 23, 2024
Victor Montana
Hello all! We are going to build our chicken coop and run this year. We are planning for chickens next year. I have been researching extensively, so we can provide the best housing for our chickens for the hot summers w/ cool nights, and well below freezing winters. Any insight you may have is always welcome. This group is really helpful so far!
Hello!!! Thanks for joining the chicken party 🥳 lol 😆
Good job diving in!! 👏 hope building your coop goes well!
My two cents is to make sure that the coop/run has some shade in the day (you could make some if there's no natural), and some sun for them to sunbathe, but either way those future chicken will be spoiled!! :)
Have a good one
Vale! ( bye in Latin)
( @Evadig hello fellow Latin lover ! )

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