Wes Anderson: The Might of The Mini Rooster


Dec 9, 2023
I just wanted to take a moment to brag on my wonderful rooster, Mr. Wes Anderson. But also I’d like to open this thread to anyone who would like to share a story and pictures of their own wonderful rooster.

Wes came to me, along with his 14 Columbian rock bantam siblings, on the morning of August 4th 2023. Being that these were my first chickens, I was apprehensive of having a rooster. After all I had heard so many stories of angry and violent roosters turning on their keepers. But I knew I needed a guardian, since i wanted my birds to free range as I have a rampant locust plague every summer that ravages my field.

I knew Wes was a cockerel at only 3 weeks, not only because of his bright red comb, but also because one particular morning Wes grabbed my finger and mounted it. Imagine my surprise as a 40 gram bird humped my finger!
Wes at 3 weeks

Wes was always the first to do everything. Of his brothers, he was the first to roost, the first to crow, the first to tidbit, the first to spar, and the first to mount. I was told all of this meant he had high testosterone, that he would turn mean, but as time went on, Wes would prove to be gentle and far more calm than his brothers.
Wes at 6 weeks

Now as he is coming up on 8 months, I couldn’t imagine a flock without Wes, here are a few of the things I love about Wes.

Wes breaks up fights between his girls, he always keeps them from getting too violent

Wes expects a good morning every day as soon as I open the coop. We share a tender moment every morning where I hold him and he closes his eyes

Wes loves to make nests, show his ladies the best place to lay, and gives quiet and gentle pep talks to any hen laying an egg

Wes brings the flock to me whenever there is a predator in the sky, he knows I’ll chase them off

Wes leads his flock diligently and will help me herd them back into the coop when it’s time for lock up

Wes is always gentle with his girls, and with me, he’ll hold completely still if I touch his wattles, beak or comb

Attached are a couple pictures of the handsome grown up Wes. If you have a rooster to gush about, please share your story below!

My rooster's name is Cypiano. We actually didn't order him, he came as an extra chick in a box of 15. Lo and behold, as he grew he began to become...a rooster! We had been waiting to see if he'd be a rooster, because when hatcheries send an extra chick, it normally isn't a hen. Of course, we decided to keep him, and let him take charge of his flock. Soon, we realized there are many pros associated with having a rooster. My favorite is that he keeps the hens happier (for the most part), and definitely quieter. The rooster-less flock on the other side of the yard makes more noise than Cypiano's flock. Cypiano is getting over his hormonal rushes currently, so he's been a bit too rough on the ladies as of late. But hopes are up that after he "settles", he'll be a kind rooster to his flock. :)
My rooster's name is Cypiano. We actually didn't order him, he came as an extra chick in a box of 15. Lo and behold, as he grew he began to become...a rooster! We had been waiting to see if he'd be a rooster, because when hatcheries send an extra chick, it normally isn't a hen. Of course, we decided to keep him, and let him take charge of his flock. Soon, we realized there are many pros associated with having a rooster. My favorite is that he keeps the hens happier (for the most part), and definitely quieter. The rooster-less flock on the other side of the yard makes more noise than Cypiano's flock. Cypiano is getting over his hormonal rushes currently, so he's been a bit too rough on the ladies as of late. But hopes are up that after he "settles", he'll be a kind rooster to his flock. :)
Wonderful story, do you have any pictures?

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