Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

If you’re referring to this
it’s the letter F, and is the same as the middle finger in sign language.
On better news...

I have a GREAT house!

No heat for over a day now... and the house is still livable.

Our fuel oil heater has issues..... kids fixed all the mechanical things... but I think the stupid computer panel on it tripped, and they haven't figured out how to reset the panel.

And... we swapped out the wood stoves yesterday... so didn't start a fire in the morning so the stove could cool down...

Swapped out the stoves last night.... (incase you were not aware... 1. those suckers are heavy, 2. I only have TWO boys home right now, and 3. Our bobcat does NOT fit through our front door)

And.... with the new stove... Our smoke stack is.... 3 inches too short.

About to run into town.... and pick up some pipe.

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