Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

How you feeling?
Way better.

Today is the first day I haven't just slept!

Spouse has been spoiling me! Making all kinds of home made soup and such.

So, I am now eating and drinking just fine!

I have actually paid some bills, and spent a bunch of time doing paper work.

Feeling tired again now... but then Papier work is never exciting. :lau

Poor birdie, Sunshine.... she isn't good up here in the bedroom, so she hasn't gotten to see me. She flew up the stairs today, multiple times. She even landed on the ground and tried to open the door. Kids grabbed her and gave her more love, she is fine now.
Pretty white up here.

Yeah... the lack of pattern would bug me.

Looks warm down there! :love
“Warm” isn’t exactly right, but it’s a thousand degrees warmer than where you are.

One of my LA friends just told me the other day, “San Diego is beautiful, but it’s too cold down there for me.” 🤣😂 I’m not sure why I find this so funny, but I do. Technically we’re are at least 10* cooler than they are, but still…
this is our radar this morning,

That's us in the pretty pink, lavendar (?) purple blue area near the top. Ice, most of the night now a half foot+ of "heart attack" snow and still coming down. BUT, the wind has stop howling AND we still have power!
That's the good news. Bad news is a few more inches of this heavy super wet stuff then the temps are supposed to start dropping back to "normal" aka teens daytime near zero nighttime. The bad news is that means all this pretty white stuff is going to turn into concrete!!! DH is outside now with the big snowthrower clearing me a trail around the outbuildings and coop so I can then go get all the weight off the roofs and use my smaller (slightly) thrower to move it all while I still can while he takes care of the drifts and opens up a path to the road. Wouldn't bother normally because who knows when the plows will get out this way but we have to move this stuff while the snowthrowers can still get through it. Not a bad day of work for two senior citizens. (we don't have the use of the grandson's plow/tractor this year).

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