Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Got home last night from Bible study and as I was locking up pens for the night I noticed one of my hens on the ground outside the shed. So I looked down and also noticed little chick noises and a couple little chick heads poking out. I now have 6 more chicks 😏 (she most likely incubated and hatched them under the shed).

So we quickly made a nest box for her in another pen so the babies will be safe from hawks.

I keep trying to downsize. My birds are working against me.
Are they REALLY more mature at that age??? Not less???

Here's the test... If I am 5 minutes late for class (which rarely happens, but every now and then the copier jams, a kid has a crisis or an admin needs "a word") are they:

A) Running out into the parking lot throwing a soccer ball at one another.

B) Grabbing each other and trying to perform small scale WWF moves.

C) Standing by the door talking to one another.

I could never be late to let my 5th graders in the classroom...there would be carnage.

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