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Nice beverage set up you have there! 😍

That’s terrifying!

They told me he would never be in the sun or on the tarmac longer than 15mins each for load & unload. I have no way of knowing if that’s true or not, but they offered me that information unsolicited, so I’m guessing that really is their policy.

Did I tell you the cargo people on my end were fawning all over him? They said they’d never flown a chicken before & were crowded around him, sitting on the floor with him, talking to him & taking pictures. When they took him I started bawling my eyes out like an idiot.

I would have loved to have had a nanny cam to see what happened on the Seattle leg. We’ll never know, but at least the weather there was mild yesterday & he arrived (apparently) unscathed, so that’s all that matters.
So you set it all up through the airline?
It’s so cool that they were so caring with him.

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