Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

No pics that I’m aware of. You gotta remember this was the old days where film cost money to buy, even more money to develop & came in extremely limited quantities.

The old me would be shocked to see how my photo library is jammed full of dumb pics from the grocery store & a thousand shots of the dog. 🤣
I KNOW! On occasion I have the exact same thought. As in HOW do I have 20 barely different pictures of the same bush? Or... whatever...

They decided to do a blood vial verses the finger prick.... to find out my cholesterol numbers

-twiddling thumbs- please be the same or better, same or better.... same or better...noooooo upwards creep!!! :fl

I forgot to ask how long before I get results?

I HAVE lost some weight! Just about 10 pounds, but I am so happy for it! I will keep on trucking! I like slow and steady! :wee

They decided to do a blood vial verses the finger prick.... to find out my cholesterol numbers

-twiddling thumbs- please be the same or better, same or better.... same or better...noooooo upwards creep!!! :fl

I forgot to ask how long before I get results?

I HAVE lost some weight! Just about 10 pounds, but I am so happy for it! I will keep on trucking! I like slow and steady! :wee
Lucky you. I've gained 10. :(
Wet here, thundersy going on as I post. I live it. My rose bush keeps on blooming. Took this photo early this morning. Will see how it did in the morning after all this hard rain.
No pics that I’m aware of. You gotta remember this was the old days where film cost money to buy, even more money to develop & came in extremely limited quantities.

The old me would be shocked to see how my photo library is jammed full of dumb pics from the grocery store & a thousand shots of the dog. 🤣
Yeah, we just have a lot of pics with missing heads at family reunions (Grandma could never use the camera lense correctly.)

They decided to do a blood vial verses the finger prick.... to find out my cholesterol numbers

-twiddling thumbs- please be the same or better, same or better.... same or better...noooooo upwards creep!!! :fl

I forgot to ask how long before I get results?

I HAVE lost some weight! Just about 10 pounds, but I am so happy for it! I will keep on trucking! I like slow and steady! :wee

Oh, heart and lungs sound good! So good there!


Lucky you. I've gained 10. :(

You’ve had more than your share of stress! :hugs

My appointment is next month... I. Don’t. Even. Want. To. Know.
Yeah, we just have a lot of pics with missing heads at family reunions (Grandma could never use the camera lense correctly.)

This reminds me of a shirt DD has... it has a picture of an older camera on it and it says, "I shoot people, and sometimes cut off their heads". She found it at goodwill and thinks it's the greatest shirt ever lol. She's mad she's not allowed to wear it out of the house lol

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