Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

GOOOOOD EVENING/ Timezone people of BYC! It's a 'warm' -9 C (15.8 F) this eve in Manitoba. The wind was terrible this morning but seems to have calmed down a bit :) .

Keep warm folks!
:frowAn absolutely balmy 0 F here right now, that's 20o F warmer than this time last night
(9 pm ish)
Well, I have had a few more birthdays since I last stopped by. :) The older my grandkids get, the more I wonder where they came from and how they are getting so big when I haven't changed a bit. ;)
New guy joined the place i get my eyes checked.....

When he walked into the room I *almost* blurted out, HOW old are you!

Glad I didn't.... because on second look... he is maybe 30... which i guess is old enough to know what he is doing. :rolleyes:

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