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My guess is that you are from the generation when it only took “the look” for behavior control!!!! That’s all it took from my grandfather and dad when I was a kiddo!!!!
My father never touched me, but I was aware of the potential. My kids have voiced the same about me.
Good evening, Pond. It’s a chilly evening on my pad. It’s going to rain/snow/sleet/snow/hail/rain/hail/snow/sleet all this week. A8FAF706-E737-4884-AB47-9F339645127C.gif
Good morning, Pond.

Due to my perfect behavior, I was never hit as a child. In spite of their less than perfect behavior (DNA from the Princess) I can't remember hitting either of the kids.
I don’t consider the spankings I got as a kid as being “hit”. They were rare, and every one was deserved. My mother tried, she really did. But her daughter was (and may still be) rather strong-willed and a bit stubborn. Mom did the best she could with what she had to work with…😆 My dad was a trucker and gone for weeks at a time, and they were divorced by the time I was 8. He was not a disciplinarian when he was around. My Grandpa however…. All he had to do was look at me and sternly say my name, and it was all over. “I’m sorry, Grandpa! I’ll never do it again!” My poor mother could yell herself hoarse with no results. So, yeah, every now and then the hand of knowledge needed to be applied to the seat of learning.

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