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Spiders creeper me out!
They have been trying to make a hostile takeover at my house this year. I have been on a spider Killin mission for days.
  • Apply a few drops of essential oil to problem areas to deter spiders. Lemon, garlic, rosemary, peppermint, clove, cedar and cinnamon oils are all thought to either repel spiders or kill them.
    • Lavender oil is a great spider repellent. You can sprinkle a dash of lavender oil in the spider dominated areas. Also, to avoid spiders from entering your house, just fill a flower vase with a little bit of water and add 5 drops of lavender oil to it. The aroma of lavender oil stops the spiders dead in their tracks and they will not enter your home.
After his trip to see his son, Ken was going to put some eggs in the incubator. Being a BYC member, he was going to set a bunch. :lol: I had a bunch of girls going broody all spring and summer, so Ken was going to bring me his extra chicks. Win win since it would solve his chicken math problem, and be fewer roosters to process. It was insane to find out about his final days. I was really looking forward to spending a few hours with him.
After his trip to see his son, Ken was going to put some eggs in the incubator. Being a BYC member, he was going to set a bunch. :lol: I had a bunch of girls going broody all spring and summer, so Ken was going to bring me his extra chicks. Win win since it would solve his chicken math problem, and be fewer roosters to process. It was insane to find out about his final days. I was really looking forward to spending a few hours with him.
After his trip to see his son, Ken was going to put some eggs in the incubator. Being a BYC member, he was going to set a bunch. :lol: I had a bunch of girls going broody all spring and summer, so Ken was going to bring me his extra chicks. Win win since it would solve his chicken math problem, and be fewer roosters to process. It was insane to find out about his final days. I was really looking forward to spending a few hours with him.
Sounds like you were blessed to know him personally.

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